animal idioms

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have a bee in one's bonnet
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take the bull by the horns
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wziąć byka za rogi
have butterflies in one's stomach
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mieć motyle w brzuchu
let the cat out of the bag
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wyjawić sekret
not stand a cat in hell's chance
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nie mieć szansy na powodzenie
go to the dogs
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zejść na spy
barking dogs seldom bite
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krowa, która dużo muczy daje mało mleka
do the donkey work
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odwalać czarną robotę
cook someone's goose
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pokrzyżować plany
hold one's horses
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wstrzymać się
smell a rat
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węszyć podstęp
straight from the horse's mouth
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z pierwszej ręki
be blind as a bat
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ślepy jak kura
be like a bear with a sore head
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wściekły jak osa

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