Ania 7th March 2017 #10

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It's breaking up.
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mówić głośniej
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to speak up
Could you speak up?
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backbone / spine
Zamierzam ćwiczyć w domu.
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I'm going to exercise at home.
Chcę ćwiczyć w domu.
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I want to exercise at home.
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Będę ćwiczyć w domu.
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I'll exercise at home.
Planuję ćwiczyć w domu.
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I'm planning to exercise at home.
Po pierwsze
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First of all, ... / Firstly,...
Po drugie,...
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Po trzecie,...
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Gdy wprowadzamy ostatni argument,...
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Lastly, ... / Last but not least,...
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To sum up, ... / To summarise,...
z jednej strony, ale z drugiej strony
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On the one hand ... but on the other hand...
zamiast czegoś
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instead of sth
I'll have a coffee instead of tea this morning.
niektórzy ludzie
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some people
Jest dużo zalet i wad...
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There're a lot of advantages and disadvantages of (living in a big city).
możliwości pracy
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job opportunities

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