Ania 6th Dec 2016 #2

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question réponse
wyjątkowa sytuacja
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dzisiaj rano
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this morning
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a box of chocolates
batonik czekoladowy
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chocolate bar
cukierki / słodycze
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sweets BrE / candies AmE
pod poduszką
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under a pillow
sprawdź pod stołem
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check under the table
Sprawdziłam pod krzesłem.
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I checked under the chair.
Znalazłam trochę słodyczy w moim bucie dzisiaj rano.
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I found SOME sweets IN my shoe this morning.
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powinniście pomagać sobvie nawzajem
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you should help each other
zrób to sam
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do it youself
Oni zrobili to sami.
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They did it themselves.
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to leave - left - left
sztuki walki
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martial arts
Mixed Martial Arts
piłka nożna
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Wolę MMA od piłki nożnej.
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I prefer MMA TO football.
Wolisz kawę od herbaty?
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Do you prefer coffee to tea?
Wolę psy od kotów.
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I prefer dogs TO cats.
w telewizji
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on television / on TV / on telly
w Internecie
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on THE Internet
w radiu
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on the radio
Słucham radia codziennie.
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I listen to the radio every day.
Poszłam do Marty o 6.
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I went to Marta's at 6.
jest umeblowane
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it's furnished
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to kwestia czasu
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it's matter of time
wyprowadzić się
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to move out
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to move IN
to kwestia dni
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it's matter of days
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starters / appetizers
Wypiliśmy trochę.
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I had a few drinks.
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by underground / by metro
w metrze
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on the metro
w tramwaju
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on the tram
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on foot
Zacznijmy trochę później, OK?
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Let's start a bit later, shall we?
Spotkajmy się jutro rano, OK?
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Let's meet tomorrow morning, shall we?
Czy mam otworzyć okno?
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Shall I open the window?
Czy mam ci pomóc?
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Shall I help you?
Czy mam zadzwonić później?
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Shall I call you later?
Ona nie ma psa.
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She hasn't GOT a dog. / She doesn't have a dog.
Czy masz chomika?
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Have you got a chamster? / Do you have a hamster?
owoce morza
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sea food
ja też nie
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me neither
dwa i pół roku
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2 and a half years
kilka miesięcy
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a few months
kilka dni
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a few days
Mam kilka pytań.
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I have a few questions.
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Nie ufam ci.
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I don't trust you.
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zostaw mnie w spokoju
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leave me alone
w biurze
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in the office
na głos
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out loud

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