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я цалкам перакананы
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I am utterly convinced
як я бачу
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the way I see it
гаворачы пра мяне
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as far as i concerned
на маю думку
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to my mind
з таго што ведаю
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to my knowledge
гэта мае сэнс
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that seems sensible
ніхто б не паспрачаўся з гэтым
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no one would disagree with that
у гэтым плане я вас падтрымліваю
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in that respect i'm with you
у мяне няма ніякіх пярэчанняў супраць гэтага
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i don't have any objections to that
я магу пагадзіцца з гэтым
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i can go along with that

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