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osiągnąć punkt kulminacyjny commencer à apprendre
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the practice of imitating other people's work or ideas commencer à apprendre
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rozprawa, uporanie się z jakimś problemem commencer à apprendre
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Zmienny, nieprzewidywalny commencer à apprendre
Nierówny, niejednolity, nieregularny commencer à apprendre
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the theory that everything that happens must happen as it does and could not have happened any other way commencer à apprendre
credibility/dependability/reliabilty commencer à apprendre
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krótki wyjazd, także w celach zawodowych commencer à apprendre
Podróż w znaczeniu ogólnym commencer à apprendre
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the arrival of an event, invention or person commencer à apprendre
giving you more information and understanding of something commencer à apprendre
to hit something repeatedly and with great force commencer à apprendre
when a disease is spread by touching someone or something (zaraza) commencer à apprendre
to keep something harmful within limit and not allow it to spread commencer à apprendre
a place or condition in which no development or progress is occurring commencer à apprendre
strengthen something to protect it commencer à apprendre
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if a business goes bust, it stops trading because it does not have money (splajtować) commencer à apprendre
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to face sudden stop of the supply of electricity commencer à apprendre
to stop the list of all the things that are in place from increasing commencer à apprendre
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financial activities such as lending or investing money carried out by organizations that are not officially banks and so don’t have to obey the same rules commencer à apprendre
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crisis, when it’s hard to get a loan commencer à apprendre
a course of action differing from some previous course commencer à apprendre
A wallet for woman (portmonetka) commencer à apprendre
buying sth you chose to buy, which is not necessary to buy commencer à apprendre
To adjust to requirements commencer à apprendre
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A person who consume a lot of beer (piwożerca, piwożłop) commencer à apprendre
A car which consume a lot of gas (paliwożerny samochód) commencer à apprendre
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A desk in office, especially in open-space (stanowisko pracy) commencer à apprendre
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On the ground (na podstawie) commencer à apprendre
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Consumers who buy various competing products commencer à apprendre
Rzeczowe aktywa trwałe (np budynki, maszyny, pieniądze) commencer à apprendre
Wartości niematerialne i prawne commencer à apprendre
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A strategy that assumes a firm charges the highest initial price that customers will pay commencer à apprendre
strategy of offering a low price for a new product or service during its initial offering in order to lure customers away from competitors commencer à apprendre
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Sklepy przynoszące straty commencer à apprendre
Spowodować spadek udziału w rynku commencer à apprendre
To drain the market share
All the companies or individuals involved in moving good or services from producers to consumers commencer à apprendre
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Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different requirements or buying habits commencer à apprendre
Making a product different from similar products offered by other sellers, by product differences, advertising, packaging, etc. commencer à apprendre
Possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which company can profitably produce goods or services commencer à apprendre
Setting a high price for a new product, to make maximum revenue before competing products appear on the market commencer à apprendre
Sb who contacts existing and potential customers, and tries to persuade them to buy goods or services commencer à apprendre
Sales representative (sales rep)
Attributes or characteristics of a product, such as size, shape, quality, price, reliability, etc. commencer à apprendre
The extent to which supply or demand of a product responds to changes of price commencer à apprendre
The strategy of setting a low price to try to sell a large volume and increase market share commencer à apprendre
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To make specially, to adopt commencer à apprendre
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To accept sth enthusiastically commencer à apprendre
To obtain money from sb using persuasion or force commencer à apprendre
To squeeze money out of sb
Recently made for the first time commencer à apprendre
Too great to be satisfied commencer à apprendre
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To examine carefully and form an opinion of commencer à apprendre
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To reduce, limit or stop something commencer à apprendre
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a small factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad conditions commencer à apprendre
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to say that you support an idea or plan, but not do anything to help it succeed commencer à apprendre
to eat or drink a lot of something quickly commencer à apprendre
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