ang kurs idiomy

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keep an eye on
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miec oko na
to put your foot in it
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popelnic nietakt
run out of time
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nie miec czasu do stracenia
be on somone`smind
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miec cos na mysli
work against the clock
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scigac sie z czasem
be in hot water
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byc w klopotach
piece of cake
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not be somone`s cup of tea
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nie czyjas sprawa
close to somone`s heart
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lezec na sercu
give someone a hand
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podac komos dlon
to get hold of sth/sb
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dorwac/zlapac cos/kogos
get in touch
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skontaktowac sie
on and on
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bez pzerwy
be in two minds
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nie moc sie zdecydowac
let your hair down
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odprezc sie
travel light
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podrozowac bez bagazu
go window shopping
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ogladac okna wystawowe

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