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Wróciłam do domu o 15:45. commencer à apprendre
I came back home AT quarter to 4.
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Zjadłam kawałek pizzy na obiad. commencer à apprendre
I ate A slice of pizza for dinner.
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to freeze - froze - frozen
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Are you afraid of spiders?
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Are you afraid of the dark?
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mathematics / maths BrE / math AmE
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Stolicą Niemiec jest Berlin. commencer à apprendre
The capital of Germany is Berlin.
Stolicą Francji jest Paryż. commencer à apprendre
The capital of France is Paris.
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The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius.
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The capital of Italy is Rome.
nic nie przychodzi mi do głowy commencer à apprendre
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from time to time / every now and then
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I like cooking. / I'm fond of cooking.
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