Agnieszka 25th Nov 2013

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to do the cleaning, to clean
Yesterday I did the cleaning. I cleaned (my flat).
robić pranie
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to do the washing
zmywać naczynia
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to the washing - up, to do the dishes
wycierać kurze
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to do the dusting
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commencer à apprendre
to do the ironing, to iron
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to do the vacuuming. to vacuum
robić zakupt
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to do the shopping
Pouczyłam się.
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I did some learning.
z wyprzedzeniem
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in advance
z góry dzięki
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thanks in advance
commencer à apprendre
Dlaczego szepczesz?
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why are you whispering?
przy okazji
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by the way
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
to print
psuć się
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to break down
Drukarka się zepsuła.
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The printer broke down.
Ile razy w tygodniu masz angielski?
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how many times a week do you have English?
dwa razy
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two times, twice

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