A67, 25.01.2016

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to get to grips with sth
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zabrać się za
collective dispute
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spór zbiorowy
to give credit where credit is due
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docenić, oddać komuś uznanie (kredyt)
to hustle
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to hurry
to be in a groove
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być na fali
let's her it for...
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"usłyszmy to dla..." (oklaski)
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momentum Anglais
pęd, impet
to pull out the stops
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to work very hard, full steam ahead, no stop
How so?
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W jaki sposób?
How come?
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Jak to?
to revamp
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to modernize, to make attractive
Who's up for a drink?
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Komu drinka? (kto się pisze?)
to turn the corner
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wyjść na prostą
to knock someone dead
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rzucić kogoś na kolana
to knock off
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to finish work
to pull together
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