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When I came to work it had been done. commencer à apprendre
Jak przyszedłem do pracy, to już było zrobione.
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Can you tell me how this machine works? commencer à apprendre
Mozesz mi powiedziec, jak dziala ta maszyna?
Please tell me how this machine works. commencer à apprendre
Powiedz mi, prosze, jak dziala ta maszyna.
Please explain me what the procedures are. commencer à apprendre
Wyjasnij mi, prosze, jakie sa procedury.
Could you show me where it is? commencer à apprendre
Mozesz mi pokazac, gdzie to jest?
Can you tell me when it was done? commencer à apprendre
Mozes Zmi powiedziec, kiedy to zostalo zrobione?
Can you tell me who it is for? commencer à apprendre
Mozesz mi powiedziec, dla kogo to jest?
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ask him whether he is coming on Thursday commencer à apprendre
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Dokąd zmierzasz? Dokad sie wybierasz?
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provide somebody with something commencer à apprendre
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pozostać na tym samy poziomie
I am happy with your results. commencer à apprendre
He said he was happy with our results.
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He said he liked your line.
I saw your line last week. commencer à apprendre
He said he had seen our line the week before.
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He said he had seen our line.
When I came to the office John had sent the data. commencer à apprendre
He said that when he had come to the office John had already sent the data.
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He said he was working on it. He said he is working on it. (still valid)
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dać radę (coś zrobić), zdążyć, zrobić na czas, być w stanie pójść na umówione spotkanie
We are looking forward to your remarks. commencer à apprendre
Czekamy niecierpliwie na twoje uwagi.
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lizus, pochlebca, nadskakiwacz