A07, 14.12.2015

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„pokazuje się“
many times
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wiele razy
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we have a queue
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mamy kolejkę
we are processing tickets according to this order
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realizujemy tikety według tej kolejności
I have just finished
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właśnie skończyłem
it should be working now
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to powinno teraz działać
take into account
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wziąć pod uwagę („do konta“)
Has John called you?
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Czy John do ciebie dzwonil?
Has John contacted the client yet?
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Czy John juz skontaktowal sie z klientem?
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When did it start?
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Kiedy to sie zaczelo?
I have drunk
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Wypiłam (już)
I have eaten
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Zjadłam (już)
I haven't finished yet.
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Nie skonczylam jeszcze.
I have already done it.
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Juz to zrobilem.
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it depends on
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to zalezy od
they change their mind
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zmieniają zdanie
to change the mind
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zmienić zdanie

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