6th March 2014

 0    35 fiche    pkempkiewicz
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question réponse
czy te kwiaty sa dla nas?
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are these flowers for us?
dla nich
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for them
ten prezent jest dla nich
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This gift is for them
te prezenty sa dla niej
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These gifts are for her
czy ten samochod jest dla niego?
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is this car for him?
Ona pracuje w agencji nieruchomosci.
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She works in a real estate agencies.
O ile mi wiadomo oni sa malzenstwem.
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As far as I know they are married.
Nie lubie kotow.
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I don't like cats. = I'm not a cat person.
Czy lubisz psy?
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Do you like dogs? Are you a dog person?
masz rację
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you are right
Lubię herbate.
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I'm a tea person.
jaki to kolor?
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what is the color?
jaka to dzielnica?
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what district is it?
On zdecydowal. Jedzie do Londynu.
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He made up his mind. He's going to London.
Nasz samochod jest stary, ale jest w dobrym stanie.
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Our car is old but is in good condition.
portale społecznościowe
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social networking sites, sn sites
nie jestem przekonany, ze
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I'm not convinced that
zalety i wady
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pros and cons = advantages and disadvantages
byc w modzie
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to be in = to be in fashion
list motywacyjny
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cover letter
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godny zaufania
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trustworthy, reliable
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zalaczyc (cos do maila)
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enclose (something to mail)
powiedzieć prawdę
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to tell the truth
w najblizszym dogodnym czasie
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at your earliest convenience
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Zalaczam referencje.
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I'm enclosing my references.
doswiadczenie zawodowe
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professional experience/ work experience
oferta pracy
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job offer
tak jak wspomnialem wyzej/wczesniej
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as I mentioned above/ before
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sensowny, rozsądny
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opiekować się
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to look after sb, to take care of sb

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