5. modul 2/01 Order food delivery

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question réponse
ne kényszeríts engem
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don't make me
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growing up
el kell bocsássalak
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I'll have to fire to you
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can hang out
ez azt jelenti
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does that mean
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commencer à apprendre
nekem is
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me too
Kell egy kis idő, hogy eldöntsem
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I need a little time to decide
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in a can
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mióta van a csirke a tartályban
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how long has the chicken been in the container
mióta van ott
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how long has it been there
finom illata van
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it smells delicious
nem jó az illata
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it doesn't smell good
nem szabad használnunk
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we shouldn't use it
egyik módja annak
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one way to
másik módja annak
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another way to
allergiás valamire
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allergic to
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to share it

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