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rodzinne miasto
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home town
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housing estate
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inhabitant / resident
dzielnica mieszkaniowa
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residential area
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kurort osrodek turystyczny
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tourist resort
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przez ulicę po drugij str ulicy
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across the street
na ostatnim piętrze
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at the top of the building/ on the top floor
nad morzem
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by the sea
wejsc do środka
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go inside
przejść obok sth minąć
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walk past sth
w bliskiej odleglosci od kin
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within walking distance of cinemas
dojezdzac do pracy
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być w domu
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be at home / be in
postprzatac balagan
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clear up the mess
sprzatac ze stolu
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clear up the table
wykonywać prace domowe
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do household jobs / do the housework
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do the cleaning
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do the cooking
myć naczynia
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do the dishes / the washing up
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do the ironing
zrobić pranie prac
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do the washing
zaciągnąć zasłony
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draw the curtains
wycierac naczynia
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dry the dishes

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