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drewniana deska do krojenia commencer à apprendre
wooden chopping board = surface used for cutting maet etc
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dresser = a kitchen cupboard
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furnish = put furniture in the house
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gleaming = reflecting light becouse of shiny surface
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hearth = floor of the fireplace
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infested with sth = plagued by sth
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patchwork = needlework with many squares of fabric put togetcher
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superfluous = more than needed, unnecessary
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wicker = twigs etc wiven together to make baskets or furniture
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mieszkanie, blok mieszkalny commencer à apprendre
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niski czynsz mieszkaniowy commencer à apprendre
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płomienie gazowe na sztucznych węglach commencer à apprendre
gas flames on artificial coals
projektowaniu, urządzaniu commencer à apprendre
pokój gościnny, dzienny, salon commencer à apprendre
living room, lounge, sitting room
mieszkanie z dwoma sypialniami commencer à apprendre
wzdłóż holu, na koniec holu commencer à apprendre
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kitchen at the back of the house
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the right-hand side of the room
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in the centre of the room
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dwie od podłogi do sufitu szafki na książki commencer à apprendre
two floor-to-ceiling bookshelves
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bustle = busy, noisy activity
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perfekcyjna wiejska idylla commencer à apprendre
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rosnąć, wznosić się dramatycznie commencer à apprendre
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chatka z różami dookoła drzwi commencer à apprendre
cottage with roses round the door
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commit = promise to do sth
pokój z przylgłą łazienką commencer à apprendre
en-suuite = a bedroom with a bath joinet to it
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fitted = with the furniture and equipment
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mod cons = modern conveniences
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prey = a victim of decepion
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rail track = the path for the travelling train
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rush hour = the time of busiest traffic
samodzielny, z osobną kuchnia i łazienką commencer à apprendre
self-contained = independent
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tremor = a slight shaking movement
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znać wartość swoich pieniędzy commencer à apprendre
getting your money's worth
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otaczające okolice, otoczenie commencer à apprendre
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asking price = the money a person wants for sth
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chipped = with some parts broken off
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dripping = with drops of water coming out
pośrednik w handlu nieruchomościami commencer à apprendre
estate agent = a person who buys and sells property
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fixtures and fittings = the equipment normally installed as a part of a house
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overhaul = all the necessary repairs
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touch up = improve sth by changing i a little
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washer = a ring of rubber
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woodwork = all the wooden parts of a house
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double-glazing = two panes of glass in a window
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once-barren = previously uninhabited
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open-plan = with no dividing walls
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peninsula = a mass of land extended into see
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penthouse = flat at the top of tall building
z przyłączami wody i kanalizacji commencer à apprendre
plumbed = equipped with water and drainage pipes
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seedy = ashabby and untidy
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state-of-the-art = very modern
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tenant = a person who rents a place to live
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wysoko technologiczne punkty energii commencer à apprendre
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okna na całą ścianę, od podłogi do sufitu commencer à apprendre
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energo wydajne urządzenia commencer à apprendre
energy-efficient appliances
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commuter = a person who travels to work from the suburbs to the city centre
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conservation area = area protected due to its historical value
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extension = an extra room added to the building
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pitched roof =sloping roof
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rip out = remove using force
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streepy = at a high angle
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transparent = allowing light to pass through
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wear and tear = the amound of damage resulting from the ordinary use
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muszla klozetowa, toaleta commencer à apprendre
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Jak ekologiczny jest dom? commencer à apprendre
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