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Kate gazed at the statue with awe.
przyglądać się badawczo (czemuś) commencer à apprendre
He was peering through the wet windscreen at the cars ahead.
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uprawiać wspinaczkę bez zabezpieczeń commencer à apprendre
wydobywać, wycisnąć (np. prawdę) commencer à apprendre
Candy was very good at winkling out secrets.
pobrzeżek (rodzaj ślimaka) commencer à apprendre
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The room is pretty crowded, so you'll have to wedge in.
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a piece of wood, metal etc that has one thick edge and one pointed edge and is used especially for keeping a door open or for splitting wood
czuć łaskotanie w żołądku commencer à apprendre
to feel a little tickle in the stomach
dać coś komuś na urodziny commencer à apprendre
to give sb sth for sb's birthday
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a natural crack in something, especially the surface of rocks or the Earth etc
nagły wzrost (np. cen), nagłe pójście w górę (np. akcji) commencer à apprendre
In a sudden spurt of anger, Ellen slammed the door shut.
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she tossed and turned in bed
zasłony, które nie przepuszczają światła commencer à apprendre
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I poked him but he didn't budge.
on odwrócił się do niej plecami commencer à apprendre
he turned his back to her
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very brightly coloured, especially in green, pink, or yellow Her large dark eyes were almost luminous.
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gdy przekazujemy komuś głos commencer à apprendre
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track a student's progress
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pick up/lift the receiver
śledzić coś / uważać na coś commencer à apprendre
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