1.3 I`d like to enquire

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commencer à apprendre
(rather formal) to ask somebody for some information
commencer à apprendre
(Especially of a sum of money paid) not repayable or returnable in any circumstances: a non-refundable $30 application fee
commencer à apprendre
the act of officially joining a course, school, etc.; the number of people who do this Enrolment is the first week of September.
commencer à apprendre
an afternoon performance of a play, etc.; an afternoon showing of a film/movie
commencer à apprendre
the work or activity involved in being in charge of somebody/something and making sure that everything is done correctly, safely, etc. Very young children should not be left to play without supervision.
first come, first served
commencer à apprendre
People will be dealt with strictly in the order in which they arrive or apply: tickets are available on a first come, first served basis
commencer à apprendre
Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious: be patient, your time will come a patient and painstaking approach
commencer à apprendre
Demand (an amount) as a price for a service rendered or goods supplied: wedding planners may charge an hourly fee of up to £150

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