Вы можете повторить это, пожалуйста? commencer à apprendre
Can you repeat that, please?
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Sorry, I don't understand.
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Не могли бы вы мне помочь? commencer à apprendre
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Before opening an account, read more about the bank.
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What time does the bus from Moscow arrive?
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Are you going to the cinema?
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I drink black coffee every morning.
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Please, teach your grandmother how to use computer.
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You should find another doctor! He is too old to perform this surgery.
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Do you want to watch a film?
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We could not find a room in the hotel - everything is booked before Christmas.
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It`s the second time police calls me about you!
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Let's meet in the restaurant.
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Can we have a Greek salad?
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В нашем доме не найти места даже для бутылки воды. commencer à apprendre
In our house you cannot find place even for bottle of water.
Уличная еда - моя любимая. commencer à apprendre
Street food is my favorite.
Спорт делает тебя здоровым и сильным. commencer à apprendre
Sport makes you healthy and strong.
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Мне тоже приятно познакомиться. commencer à apprendre
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I need one piece of peach pie.
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