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الولد يشرب
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the boy is drinking
الولد يمشي
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the boy is walking
الولد يركض
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the boy is running
الولد يقرأ
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the boy is reading
الولد يأكل
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the boy is eating
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المراه تاكلوا
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Women eat
امرأة تأكل
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woman eats
الاولاد يقرؤون
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Children read
يقرأ الولد
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the boy reads
النساء يأكلن
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women are eating
الرجال ويقرؤون
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Men read
الرجال ويجرون
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The men are running
النساء ويقرا
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Women are reading
رجال ونساء
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men and women
بنتين واولاد
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Two girls and boys
امرأتان ورجل
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two women and men
ولداني وبنات
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Both boys and girls
المراه تجري
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The woman is running
المراه تسبح
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The woman is swimming
النساء ويسبح
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Women are swimming
النساء يركضن
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the women are running
هم يسبحن
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They swim
هما تَسْبحانِ
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They swim
هم يسبحن
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They swim
هي تسبح
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She is swimming
هو يسباح
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He is swimming
هما يسْبحان
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They are swimming
البنات يكتبن
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Girls write
الفتاة تقرأ
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the girl is reading
الفتاة تكتب
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the girl is writing
الفتيات يقرأن
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the girls are reading

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