03 marca 2015

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question réponse
przeziębiłem się
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I have a cold
3 13 30
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Three thirteen thirty
4 14 40
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Four fourteen forty
5 15 50
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Five fiteen fifty
8 18 80
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Eight eighteen eighty
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only child
TV pilot
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TV remote control
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jechać (czymś)
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to ride
prowadzić (samochód)
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to drive
jechać samochodem (jako pasażer)
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go by car
jechać autobusem
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go by bus
jechać pociągiem
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go by train
Mój komputer nie działa
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My computer broke down, doesn’t work, is out of order
nie ma wątpliwości
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there is no doubt
Mam ból w kolanach, więc będzie cieplejszy dzień jutro.
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I’ve got a pain in my knees so it’s going to be a warmer day tomorrow.
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set, kit
zestaw narzędzi ogrodowych
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Garden Tools kit
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użyteczne, potrzebne
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useful, needed
udowodnij to
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prove it
stan cywilny
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marital status
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happy, lucky
garnitur, garsonka
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suit, tailored suit
nikt nie lubi
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Nobody likes a, an, the
Jest tam wiele osób
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There is many people over there.
znak drogowy
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road sign
Duży prześwit
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Big clearance
Nie jestem pewien, ale
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I'm not sure, but
Czy mogę zapłacić gotówką?
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Can I pay by cash?
Czy mogę mieć pokwitowanie proszę?
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Can I have a receipt please?
Daj mi pokwitowanie proszę?
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Give me a receipt, please?
Osobiście uważam, że
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Personally, I think
bochenek chleba
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loaf of bread
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Jestem na służbie (dyżurze) przez 24 godziny
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I'm on duty for 24 hours
Chcę zmienić pieniądze
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I want to change money
Chciałbym zmienić moje euro na złote
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I would like to change my euros into zlotys
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Czy jedzenie smaczne?
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Is the food tasty?
Chodzę nad morze
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I go to the seaside.
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terrible, awful
bardzo przytulnie
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very cosy
personel, obsługa
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staff, service
Personel jest uprzejmy
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The staff is kind
pięknie położony
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Beautifuly located, situated

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