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a mirage in which objects below the horizon seem to be raised above their true positions.
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to appear indistinctly; come into view in indistinct and enlarged form
złowieszczy, cudowny, złowrogi commencer à apprendre
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to rise before the vision with an appearance of great or portentous size
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dziewiczy, dawny, pierwotny commencer à apprendre
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a sand hill or sand ridge formed by the wind, usually in desert regions or near lakes and oceans.
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chwalić się, szczycić się commencer à apprendre
chwalić się, szczycić się commencer à apprendre
to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself.
chwalić się, szczycić się commencer à apprendre
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any evergreen, coniferous tree of the genus Pinus, having long, needle-shaped leaves
tęsknić, uschnąć z tęsknoty commencer à apprendre
tęsknić, uschnąć z tęsknoty commencer à apprendre
to yearn deeply; suffer with longing; long painfully
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low trees or shrubs collectively
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a large area covered with low trees and shrubs, as the Australian bush
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a path or track made across a wild region, over rough country, or the like, by the passage of people or animals
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the track, scent, or the like, left by an animal, person, or thing, especially as followed by a hunter, hound, or other pursuer
mozolny chód, forsowny marsz commencer à apprendre
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odpalić, rzucić, trochę pieniędzy commencer à apprendre
wykopać, wyrzucić, przegnać, wygonić commencer à apprendre
zacząć działać, na przykład, narkotyk commencer à apprendre
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to lead on by exciting hope or desire
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a small jazz or dance band
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rest and relaxation, abbreviation, R&R, R and R
pofałdowany, falisty teren commencer à apprendre
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pijany w sztok, nawalony jak stodoła, zalany w trupa commencer à apprendre
tarzać się po podłodze ze śmiechu commencer à apprendre
rolling on the floor laughing
tarzać się po podłodze ze śmiechu commencer à apprendre
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pieścić, dogadzać, wypieścić commencer à apprendre
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pieścić, dogadzać, wypieścić commencer à apprendre
to treat or gratify with extreme or excessive indulgence, kindness, or care
niezaspokojony seksualnie commencer à apprendre
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na wskroś, wszędzie, całkowicie commencer à apprendre
kuszący, kusicielski, nęcący commencer à apprendre
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chwalić się, szczycić się, chlubić się commencer à apprendre
chwalić się, szczycić się, chlubić się commencer à apprendre
to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself
zmusić, wzbudzać, zniewalać commencer à apprendre
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oszałamiający, fantastyczny commencer à apprendre
spektakularny, popisowy, widowiskowy commencer à apprendre
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any unbroken part of the circumference of a circle or other curved line
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nerwowo przebierać palcami commencer à apprendre
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wszechobecny, wszędobylski, wszędzie obecny commencer à apprendre
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existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time
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entertainment, food, drink, given by way of compliment or as an expression of friendly regard.
akompaniament, towarzyszenie, dodatek do potraw commencer à apprendre
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something that accompanies or is served or used with something else
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the small red hot-tasting pod of a type of capsicum used for flavouring sauces, pickles,
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the leaves of this plant, used to garnish or season food
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an herb, Pertoselinum crispum, native to the Mediterranean, having either curled leaf clusters (French parsley) or flat compound leaves (Italian parsley) widely cultivated for use in garnishing or seasoning food.
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an herb, Coriandrum sativum, of the parsley family, native to Europe, having strong-scented leaves used in cooking and aromatic seeds used as a seasoning and in medicine.
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in precisely the order given; sequentially
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zmyć coś, spłukać coś, używając dużej ilości wody commencer à apprendre
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the nutlike kernel of the fruit of either of two trees, Prunus dulcis (sweet almond) or P. dulcis amara (bitter almond) which grow in warm temperate regions.
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shining brightly; sparkling; glittering; lustrous:
kwitnąć, rozkwitać, wykwitać, kwiecić commencer à apprendre
obfitolistny, liściasty, ulistniony commencer à apprendre
obfitolistny, liściasty, ulistniony commencer à apprendre
having, abounding in, or covered with leaves or foliage
obfitolistny, liściasty, ulistniony commencer à apprendre
having broad leaves or consisting mainly of leaves
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to occupy a position at the flank or side
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to eat the principal meal of the day, have dinner
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Ona przechadzała się radośnie po ciemnych ulicach Brighton commencer à apprendre
She strolled happily through the dark streets of Brighton
Oni się przechadzali, ale teraz przystanęli commencer à apprendre
They had been strolling along, but now they stopped
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to walk leisurely as inclination directs; ramble; saunter
kwartał, dzielnica miasta commencer à apprendre
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a person who buys and sells commodities for profit; dealer; trader
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a very large, impressive, or stately residence.
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expressed or written in the native language of a place, as literary works:
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of language, native or indigenous, opposed to literary or learned
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capable of being touched; discernible by the touch; material or substantial
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characterized by youth; young
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full of or characterized by vigor
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lśniący, gładki, połyskliwy commencer à apprendre
lśniący, gładki, połyskliwy commencer à apprendre
having a shiny or lustrous surface
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well filled out or rounded in form
grono, wiązka, kiść, pęczek commencer à apprendre
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a connected group; cluster
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pachnący, aromatyczny, wonny commencer à apprendre
pachnący, aromatyczny, wonny commencer à apprendre
having a pleasant scent or aroma; sweet-smelling; sweet-scented
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an herb, Pertoselinum crispum, native to the Mediterranean, having either curled leaf clusters (French parsley) or flat compound leaves (Italian parsley) widely cultivated for use in garnishing or seasoning food
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of, pertaining to, or suggesting an idyllic rural life
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the science, art, or process of cultivating grapevines
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