Either vs Neither - gramatyka angielska

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question English réponse English
If you aren't coming, (...) am I.
either / neither
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If you aren't coming, neither am I.
(...) me nor her know this man.
either / neither
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Neither me nor her know this man.
(...) of us could win.
either / neither
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Either of us could win.
I can (...) sing or dance.
either / neither
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I can either sing or dance.
(...) one of you should come.
either / neither
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Either one of you should come.
I can (...) play the guitar nor the piano.
either / neither
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I can neither play the guitar nor the piano.
(...) of the answers is correct. There has to be one more option.
either / neither
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Neither of the answers is correct. There has to be one more option.
(...) me nor him will be there.
either / neither
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Neither me nor him will be there.
I (...) drink nor smoke.
either / neither
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I neither drink nor smoke.
I don't speak Polish. Me (...).
either / neither
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I don't speak Polish. Me neither.

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