Interested vs interesting - gramatyka angielska

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question English réponse English
I'm (...) in history.
interested / interesting
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I'm interested in history.
I think history is (...).
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
I think history is interesting.
Are you (...) in French?
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
Are you interested in French?
Do you think football is (...)?
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
Do you think football is interesting?
English grammar is very (...).
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
English grammar is very interesting.
How (...)!
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
How interesting!
The child seems (...).
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
The child seems interested.
Are you still (...) in IT?
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
Are you still interested in IT?
That sounds (...)!
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
That sounds interesting!
What an (...) movie!
interested / interesting
commencer à apprendre
What an interesting movie!

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