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I'm not rich like you, but I can afford a truthsayer. And let a Truthsayer try to pry that apart, she thought.
kora (mózgowa), pierwotna kora drzewa
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the outer layer, especially of the brain and other organs:
the cerebral cortex
dobrze się sprawować (lepiej niż oczekiwania)
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acquit oneself well
to do better than expected in a difficult situation:
I thought that he acquitted himself admirably in today's meeting. If Holmes acquits herself well in today's race, she may earn a place in the national team.
oszust, kanciarz
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con artist
con man. a person who deceives other people by making them believe something false or making them give money away
pochwała; wyróżnienie (odznaczenie), polecenie
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ukrywać, ukryć (np. prawdę, emocje
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to hide your real intentions and feelings or the facts:
He accused the government of dissembling. Indeed, however they may dissemble, the night is always their day.
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obawa, drżenie
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fear or worry about what is going to happen:
We view future developments with some trepidation.
oslabic, wycieńczać
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drain of forces, enfeeble
Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.
zjadliwość, jad
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violent hate and anger expressed through severe criticism: spite, bile
He is a writer who has often been criticized by the press but never before with such vitriol.
nadużywać znajomości, prosić o zbyt wiele
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presume upon somebody to do something
to do something although you know that you do not have a right to do it:
I wouldn't presume to tell you how to do your job, but shouldn't this piece go there? I don't wish to presume, but don't you think you should apologize to her?
nieważny, bezwartościowy (np. głos)
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Our agreement hereby is rendered void
podszarpywać, podkopywać, zmniejszać (reputację, królestwo)
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chip away at something
to gradually reduce something so that it becomes smaller or weaker:
He gradually chipped away at her confidence. Invaders chipped away at the fringes of their empire.
błędny termin, niewłaściwy termin, niewłaściwe określenie
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"The name we gave this planet is certainly a misnomer
zadławić się czymś
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choke on something
Yesterday I started choking on my own spit.
podpierać, wspierać
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shore up
to support or improve an organization, agreement, or system that is not working effectively or that is likely to fail:. to stop a wall or a building from falling down by supporting it with building materials such as wood or metal
The company is also trying to shore up its financial position in other ways. Boundary walls have had to be shored up. The new public relations manager has the difficult task of shoring up the company's troubled image.
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Vices are often used to hold pieces of wood that are being cut or smoothed. Her hand tightened like a vice around his arm.
determinacja, stanowczość
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I faced many challenges that week which all served to weaken/strengthen/test my resolve.
bebechy, wnętrzności
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the organs inside a person or animal, or the inside parts of a machine
wyciągnąć (np. rękę na zgodę); rozłożyć (mebel)
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opposition: fold
She extended her hand. Extend the table. We'll have guests
wyniszczający (np. choroba) rujnujący, przygniatający
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These will be killing and crippling for years to come. The president's move came after months of crippling political violence.
puścić z dymem
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put to the torch
This place was put to the torch a long time ago. How many times had this place been put to the torch?
cierpkość, szorstkość
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There has been acrimony between the two men ever since.
wykluczyć (kogoś) z aktywnego udziału (w czymś)
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to stop someone taking an active and important part in something: If a sports player is sidelined they are prevented from playing or competing, and can only watch:
Johnson has been sidelined through injury. He was sidelined after criticizing the policy
instynkt samozachowawczy, Samoobrona
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mieć serce na dłoni, okazywać otwarcie uczucia
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wear one's heart on one's sleeve
Jenny is such an affectionate person. She wears her heart on her sleeve.

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