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Bardzo dużo, wiele
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A hundred and one
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Across the board
Tyle, co kot napłakał
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As scarce as hen’s teeth
Na tuziny, w dużej ilości
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By the dozen
Na pęczki
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By the score
Kropla w morzu
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Drop in the ocean
To rzadkość
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Few and far between
W połowie drogi
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Half the battle
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In bulk
Partiami, stopniowo
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In dribs and drabs
Nierówno, nieregularnie
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In fits and starts
Za jednym zamachem
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In one fell swoop
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In their droves
Za żadne skarby świata, nigdy w życiu
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Never in a month of Sundays
Od święta, rzadko
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Once in a blue moon
Niewiele, malutko, drobnostka
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Slim / small pickings
Wyrastać jak grzyby po deszczu
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Spring up like mushrooms
Nieprzerwanym ciągiem, masowo
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Thick and fast
Dziś coś, jutro coś znacznie większego
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Today sth, tomorrow, sth a lot bigger

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