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notoryczny, jawny, notorycznie, bezustannie commencer à apprendre
notorious, notoriously, infamous, known for something bad He was a notorious criminal.
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urgent, urgently, important, needing attention right away It's a really urgent case.
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diminutive, very small, tiny Even a diminutive woman like her would be able to lift it.
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blissful, full of joy and peaceful It was a blissful time in my marriage.
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landslide, a mass of earth and rocks moving down qiuckly According to the press, there were no further landslides.
przeraźliwie, przeszywająco, potwornie (o zimnie) commencer à apprendre
bitterly, very, extremely (about cold weather) It can be bitterly cold here in February.
wspaniały, cudowny, fantastyczny, bajeczny commencer à apprendre
fabulous, excellent, wonderful Sheila's a fabulous girl.
zapierajacy dech w piersiach commencer à apprendre
breathtaking, exciting, surprising, beautiful, impressive
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hilariously, in a funny, entertaining way This sitcom is hilariously funny.
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exceedingly, very, to a great extent She was an exceedingly wealthy person.