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pracownik / pracownica fabryki commencer à apprendre
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industrialisation (br.) / industrialization (am.)
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arms industry / munitions industry
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clothes-making / clothing industry
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trade union (br.) / labor union (am.)
np. wyprodukowano w Polsce commencer à apprendre
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zakład przemysłowy, fabryka commencer à apprendre
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power station (br.) / power plant (am.)
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przyciągać przemysł do regionu commencer à apprendre
to attract industry to an area
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to close a factory / to shut down a factory
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industrializować, uprzemysłowić commencer à apprendre
to industrialise (br.) / to industrialize (am.)
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to privatise (br.) / to privatize (am.)
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produkować masowo, na szeroką skalę commencer à apprendre