At a social event - Durante degli eventi

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question réponse
What do you do in your free time?
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Cosa fai nel tempo libero?
Would you mind if I invite my wife for dinner, too?
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Ti dispiace se invito anche mia moglie a cena?
Jenny, have you met Rick, our Communications Manager?
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Jenny, hai conosciuto Rick, il nostro responsabile delle comunicazioni?
Nathan is new in our company.
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Nathan è nuovo in azienda.
Jenny, Rick is an old colleague of mine from KiWi Company.
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Jenny, Rick è un mio vecchio collega della KiWi Company.
You should try the roast chicken. It's delicious.
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Dovresti provare il pollo arrosto. È delizioso.
I'd like you to meet Rick Davis.
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Vorrei che conoscessi Rick Davis.
+44 fiche
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"Small talk in Italian"
(Un total de 799 fiche)

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