Asking for the opinion and giving opinion - Chiedere e dare opinioni

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question réponse
to advocate somebody / something
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sostenere qualcuno / qualcosa
to insist on something
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insistere su qualcosa
to be pro / contra
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essere a favore / contro
The staff looks up to their boss.
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Il personale guarda con ammirazione il capo.
As far as I'm concerned this is not true.
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Per quel che mi riguarda, questo non è vero.
There are just a few little things.
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Ci sono solo un paio di questioni.
for 'things' in here is better to use 'questioni', 'faccende', 'problematiche' instead of 'cose'
I don't mind.
commencer à apprendre
Non mi dispiace
+49 fiche
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"Small talk in Italian"
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