Aeroplano - Plane

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question réponse
compagnie aeree
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posto finestrino
Preferisco avere un posto finestrino.
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window seat
I prefer to have a window seat.
La mia valigia è stata persa.
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My suitcase is lost.
posto nella fila dell'uscita di emergenza
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seat in the emergency exit row
I sedili dell'aereo sono scomodi.
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The seats on the plane are uncomfortable.
cintura di sicurezza
Allacciate le cinture di sicurezza, per favore.
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seat belt
Fasten the seat belt, please.
biglietto aereo
Vorrei comprare un biglietto aereo per Los Angeles.
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airline ticket
I would like to buy an airline ticket to Los Angeles.
+38 fiche
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"Inglese per viaggare"
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