
 0    37 fiche    dawidoperskalski
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question réponse
he is lazy
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lui è pigro
a sunny day
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un giorno soleggiato
quite often
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abbastanza spesso
it's enough
commencer à apprendre
è abbastanza
I like to discover new places
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mi piace scoprire posti nuovi
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commencer à apprendre
nel frattempo
I live in a flat
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vivo in un appartamento
I have two rooms
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ho due stanze
a living room with kitchen
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un soggiorno con cucina
a bedroom
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una camera da letto
I think my apartment is very modern
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penso che mio appartamento sia molto moderno
the lunch
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il pranzo
he goes to the gym
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lui va in palestra
he does the shopping
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lui fa la spesa
a party
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una festa
on the first floor
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al primo piano
an elevator
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un ascensore
a studio flat
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un monolocale
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the rent is not high
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l’affito non è alto
a two-room apartment
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un bilocale
he proposed
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ha proposto
I'll see later
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vedrò più tardi
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commencer à apprendre
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il gas
I'm lucky
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sono fortunato
it's worth it
to jest tego warte
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ne vale la pena
the boobs
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le tette
what time is it?
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che ore sono?
It's a quarter past nine
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sono le nove e un quarto
it's noon
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è mezzogiorno
it is midnight
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è mezzanotte
a quarter
commencer à apprendre
un quarto
three eighths
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tre ottavi
it is one o'clock
commencer à apprendre
è l’una

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