
 0    35 fiche    piotrbednarek7
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a coat
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un manteau
a raincoat
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un imperméable
a jacket
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un blouson
a trousers
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un pantalon
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un short
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des chaussettes
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des chaussures
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des pantoufles
a man's suit
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un costume d'homme
a tie
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une cravate
a belt
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une ceinture
the coat is green
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le manteau est vert
the raincoat is black
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l'imperméable est noir
I would like the bigger trousers.
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Je voudrais lu pantalon plus grand.
I would like the smaller trousers.
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Je voudrais le pantalon plus petit.
Do you have the socks?
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Avez vous les chaussettes?
Do you have the boots?
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Avez vous les chaussures?
the t-shirt is brown.
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le t-shirt est marron.
the man's suit is white
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le costume de l'homme est blanc
I like a tie
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J'aime une cravate
Do you have a belt?
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Avez vous une ceinture?
I would like the bigger belt
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Je voudrais la ceinture plus grande
how much for the underwear?
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combien pour un caleçon?
Mary, have a nice bra
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Marie, porte un joli soutien-gorge
a bra
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un soutien-gorge
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des bas
a dress
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une robe
a skirt
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une jupe
Black skirt
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Jupe noire
white dress
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robe blanche
a women's suit
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un costume de femme
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un slips
a watch
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une montre
an earing
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une boucle d'oreille
a ring
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un anneau

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