Spresso Prueba 6. Goood ......

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1.- hurry. 2.- dash. 3.- rush... With this diarrhea I had to make a (corrida) for the bathroom.
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With this diarrhea I had to make a DASH for the bathroom.
With this diarrhea I had to make a DASH for the bathroom.
1.- back out. 2.- weasel out. 3.- back down... My wife (se rajó) of helping me with the yard work.
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My wife WEASELED OUT of helping me with the yard work.
My wife WEASELED OUT of helping me with the yard work.
1.- side with. 2.- rope in. 3.- agree with...... I was (comprometido) to playing soccer last night.
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I was ROPED IN to playing soccer last night.
I was ROPED IN to playing soccer last night.
1.- rope into. 2.- side with. 3.- agree with... She (se pusó de lado de) her friend in the argument.
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She SIDED WITH her friend in the argument.
She SIDED WITH her friend in the argument.
1.- rule out. 2.- leave out. 3.- eliminte... The police haven't yet (descartado) murder.
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The police haven't yet RULED OUT murder.
The police haven't yet RULED OUT murder.
1.- go well. 2.- go over. 3.- went well... The presentation (cayó), well.
caer bien ó mal, ser recibido bien ó mal.
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The presentation WENT OVER well.
The presentation WENT OVER well.
a). pull through. b). plow through, c). work through........ Aleida said, mom, I have an enormous pile of papers to (WORK HARD).
Trabajar duro, esforzarse, abrirse paso entre.
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Aleida said, mom, I have an enormous pile of papers to PLOW THROUGH.
I have an enormous pile of papers to PLOW THROUGH.
1.- hurry. 2.- dash. 3.- rush...... As soon as the rain dies down I'm going to make a (apurón) to my car.
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As soon as the rain dies down I'm going to make a DASH to my car.
As soon as the rain dies down I'm going to make a DASH to my car.
1.- pull through 2.- plow through. 3.- work through... You'll never manage to (terminar tan facil con) all that food.
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You'll never manage to PLOW THROUGH all that food.
You'll never manage to PLOW THROUGH all that food.
1.- restrain. 2.- hold back. 3.- desist... Rianna (se contuvó) from interfering in her parent’s arguments.
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Rianna HELD BACK from interfering in her parent’s arguments.
Rianna HELD BACK from interfering in her parent’s arguments.
1.- bring off 2.- carry through. 3.- pull it off... He surprised me - I didn't think Donal could (realizarlo).
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He surprised me - I didn't think Donal could PULL IT OFF.
He surprised me - I didn't think Donal could PULL IT OFF.
1.- work out. 2.- figure out. 3.- catch on... It took her a while to (comprender), but she eventually got the joke.
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It took her a while to CATCH ON but she eventually got the joke.
It took her a while to CATCH ON but she eventually got the joke.
1.- squeeze in. 2.- tighten in. 3.- compress in... The bus was crowded, but we all (apretujamos).
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The bus was crowded, but we all SQUEEZED IN.
The bus was crowded, but we all SQUEEZED IN.
1.- worship. 2.- value. 3.- cherish...... Freedom of speech is a (valorado) right in this country.
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Freedom of speech is a CHERISHED right in this country.
Freedom of speech is a CHERISHED right in this country.
1.- go well. 2.- go over. 3.- went well...... I hope that my speech (caiga) well at the meeting tonight.
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I hope that my speech GOES OVER well at the meeting tonight.
I hope that my speech GOES OVER well at the meeting tonight.
wuss, wussy, pussy. - - - Let's do it man, don't be such a CHIKEN.
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Let's do it man, don't be such a WUSSY.
sacatón, gallina, miedoso. a weak or cowardly person.

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