Nuevo metodo 5.

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Their ideas always clash.
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Sus ideas siempre chocan.
The two teams clashed on the field.
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Los dos equipos se enfrentaron en el campo.
Their personalities always clash.
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Sus personalidades siempre chocan.
The colors in his outfit clash.
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The colors in his outfit clash. ?
Los colores de su atuendo de él no combinan.
Protesters clashed with the police.
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Los manifestantes se enfrentaron con la policía.
The meeting clashes with my schedule.
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La reunión choca con mi horario.
Their interests clash, making it hard to work together.
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Sus intereses chocan, lo que dificulta trabajar juntos.
She felt a deep dread before the exam.
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Sintió un profundo temor antes del examen.
I dread going to the dentist.
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Me da pavor ir al dentista.
A sense of dread filled the room.
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Un sentimiento de miedo llenó la habitación.
His face conveyed deep sadness.
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Su rostro transmitía una profunda tristeza.
She tried to convey her gratitude.
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Trató de expresar su gratitud.
Words cannot convey how happy I am.
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Las palabras no pueden expresar lo feliz que estoy.
Her plea for help was ignored.
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Su súplica de ayuda fue ignorada.
He made a desperate plea for mercy.
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Él hizo un ruego desesperado por misericordia.
The prisoner’s plea was denied.
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La súplica del prisionero fue denegada.
I felt an urge to run.
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Sentí un impulso de correr.
She urged him to speak.
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Ella lo instó a él a hablar.
He resisted the urge to laugh.
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Resistió el impulso de reír.
The police uncovered new evidence.
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La policía descubrió nuevas pruebas.
He uncovered a hidden secret.
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Él descubrió un secreto oculto.
They uncovered an ancient city.
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Descubrieron una ciudad antigua.
The sound spooked the horses.
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El sonido asustó a los caballos.
She gets spooked easily.
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Ella se asusta fácilmente.
A shadow in the window spooked him.
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Una sombra en la ventana lo asustó.
The danger remained unseen.
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El peligro permaneció invisible.
Lalo felt an unseen presence.
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Lalo sintió una presencia no vista.
His work often goes unseen.
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Su trabajo a menudo pasa desapercibido.
She twirls her hair.
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Ella gira su cabello.
The girl twirls fast.
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La niña gira rápido.
She twirled her dress.
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Ella giró su vestido.
The dancer twirled gracefully.
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La bailarina giró con gracia.
The windmill's blades twirls slowly.
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Las aspas del moline giran lentamente.
Jhon's clothes are expensive but they clash.
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La ropa de Juan es cara pero desentona, o no combina.

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