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Personal family
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Refers to the people we feel emotionally connected to and consider part of our family, even if there are no legal or biological ties.
Legal family
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Individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and are recognized by law.
Family as an institutional arena
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The family serves as a space where activities like childbearing and caregiving occur, governed by social norms and rules.
Family arena
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Space where individuals participate in intimate relationships and perform roles related to caregiving and raising children.
State arena
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Role of the government in regulating family behaviors through laws and policies.
Market arena
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Economic sphere that influences families through work, wages, and the cost of goods and services like childcare.
Consensus perspective (structural functionalism)
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Views society as a system of parts that work together to maintain stability and social order.
Conflict perspective
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Focuses on conflict and competition over resources, often leading to struggles over power within families.
Feminist theory
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Critiques traditional family structures for perpetuating gender inequality.
Exchange theory
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Views relationships as transactional, where individuals seek to maximize rewards and minimize costs.
Symbolic interactionism
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Emphasizes the role of individuals in creating and interpreting the meaning of family roles through daily interactions.
Modernity theory
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Explains how the rise of individualism transformed traditional family structures, leading to more diverse family forms.
Demographic perspective
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Studies family behaviors through statistics like birth rates, death rates, and migration.
Life course perspective
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Focuses on how individual family roles and relationships change throughout the stages of life.
Industrial Revolution & Democracy
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Created tensions within families as individualism grew, especially among women.
Separate spheres
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Gender roles became more rigid, with men working outside the home and women maintaining the home.
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The process of selecting a marriage partner, balancing individual desires with family interests.
Falling birth rates
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Improved contraception and shifting beliefs about child-rearing contributed to declining birth rates.
Marriage regulation
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The state enforced monogamy and family stability through laws rooted in Christian tradition.
African American family dynamics post-emancipation
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Faced extreme poverty, but extended family networks provided resilience.
Chinese Americans and family life
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Chinese men faced barriers due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, limiting family formation.
Mexican Americans post-Mexican-American War
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Families relied on extended networks for support, emphasizing familism.
Companionship family
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An ideal family model based on affection, equality, and companionship.
Companionate marriage
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Focused on friendship and romantic love rather than traditional economic roles.
Dating culture
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Young people gained more freedom in selecting romantic partners, replacing formal courtship.
Family wage
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Labor unions pushed for a wage allowing men to support their entire family.
Independence from marriage
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More people lived independently due to expanded workforce participation and welfare programs.
Emotional bonds in families
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Smaller families allowed parents to devote more attention to each child.
Race and ethnicity
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Socially constructed categories based on self-identification and societal perception.
Race categories
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Historically tied to hierarchies, with 'Whites' considered superior.
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Defined as a group believed to share common ancestry based on perceived physical traits.
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Refers to shared cultural traits like language, religion, or national origin.
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Marriage within the same racial or ethnic group, often to maintain cultural continuity.
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Marriage outside one’s racial or ethnic group.
Race and social inequality
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Historical practices like segregation and slavery created long-term inequalities.
Middle Eastern or North African (MENA)
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A racial category recognizing individuals from these regions in the U.S.
American Indians
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Faced historical decline due to disease and violence following colonization.
African Americans
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Rooted in slavery, they have faced persistent economic challenges.
W. E. B. Du Bois
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Noted disruptions in African American family life due to slavery and discrimination.
Great Migration
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Movement of Black workers from the rural South to Northern cities, leading to urban segregation.
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Cultural value emphasizing strong family loyalty and obligation.
Asian Americans
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Fastest-growing minority group, with cultural values emphasizing educational success.
Model minority stereotype
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Overlooks disparities within the Asian American community, particularly among Southeast Asians.
Rise of anti-Asian racism
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Increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting long-standing stereotypes.
1965 Immigration Reform
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Ended the quota system, increasing immigration from non-European countries.
Consensus theory (ladder)
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Views inequality as beneficial, creating competition for upward mobility.
Conflict theory (categories)
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Argues that social class is rooted in exploitation and class struggles.
Life chances (Max Weber)
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Opportunities to improve quality of life are largely determined by social class.
Social capital (Pierre Bourdieu)
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Resources and benefits gained through social networks and connections.
Upper class
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Wealthiest individuals, often business owners, corporate executives, or high-level professionals.
Middle class
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Large segment of professionals with stable jobs, able to meet basic needs.
Working class
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Less education and job security, working in manual labor or service industry jobs.
Lower class
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Struggles with poverty and job insecurity, relying on social welfare programs.
Gini Index
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Measure of income inequality, where 0 represents perfect equality and 1 perfect inequality.
Poverty line
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Official threshold for a family of four in 2021 was $27,479.
Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM)
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Takes into account welfare benefits, taxes, and cost of living.
Social mobility
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Ability to move between social classes, typically measured by comparing economic status across generations.
Concerted cultivation
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Middle-class parents cultivate children's skills through structured activities.
Accomplishment of natural growth
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Working-class parents provide comfort and care, allowing unstructured time for play.
Single-parent families
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Face challenges like limited financial resources and less time with children.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to biological differences like male and female anatomy.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to social roles and behaviors considered appropriate for men and women.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals who do not fit into traditional male or female categories.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth.
Sexual dimorphism
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Physical differences between males and females, with humans having low dimorphism.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals whose biological characteristics do not fit typical definitions of male or female.
Gender dysphoria
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Distress experienced by individuals whose gender identity does not align with their assigned sex.
Biological perspectives on gender
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Focus on how biological differences contribute to social roles.
Gender socialization
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Process by which individuals learn the gender norms of their society.
Gender segregation in work
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Men and women work in different types of jobs, contributing to the gender pay gap.
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Core aspect of personal identity and freedom, with more freedom to express sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation
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Pattern of romantic or sexual attraction, including heterosexual, homosexual, and other categories.
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Attraction to both men and women.
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Attraction to people regardless of gender identity.
commencer à apprendre
Describes individuals who do not experience sexual attraction.
commencer à apprendre
Social disapproval or discrimination faced for certain characteristics, such as sexual orientation.
commencer à apprendre
Fear or hatred of individuals who are gay or engage in same-sex relationships.
Genetics and environment in sexuality
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Sexual orientation has genetic components but is also shaped by environmental factors.
Teen sexual behavior
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Varies widely by socioeconomic status, education level, and race.
Decline in teen pregnancies
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Largely due to better access to birth control and sex education.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
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Common STDs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HPV.
Alfred Kinsey
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Pioneering researcher in human sexuality, contributing to understanding diverse sexual behaviors.
Social script
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Expected patterns of behavior in familiar social situations.
Romantic love
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Seen as passionate and unique, often a noble quest to overcome obstacles for love.
Utilitarian love
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More practical, where partners evaluate their relationship based on shared goals.
Mate selection
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Process of choosing romantic or sexual partners, often marrying within social class or race.
Hookup culture
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Casual sexual or romantic encounters without the expectation of commitment.
commencer à apprendre
Tendency to form relationships with those similar in race, religion, or social class.
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Practice of marrying within one's racial or ethnic group.
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Personal family
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Refers to the people we feel emotionally connected to and consider part of our family, even if there are no legal or biological ties.
Legal family
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Individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and are recognized by law.
Family as an institutional arena
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The family serves as a space where activities like childbearing and caregiving occur, governed by social norms and rules.
Family arena
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Space where individuals participate in intimate relationships and perform roles related to caregiving and raising children.
State arena
commencer à apprendre
Role of the government in regulating family behaviors through laws and policies.
Market arena
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Economic sphere that influences families through work, wages, and the cost of goods and services like childcare.
Consensus perspective (structural functionalism)
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Views society as a system of parts that work together to maintain stability and social order.
Conflict perspective
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Focuses on conflict and competition over resources, often leading to struggles over power within families.
Feminist theory
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Critiques traditional family structures for perpetuating gender inequality.
Exchange theory
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Views relationships as transactional, where individuals seek to maximize rewards and minimize costs.
Symbolic interactionism
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Emphasizes the role of individuals in creating and interpreting the meaning of family roles through daily interactions.
Modernity theory
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Explains how the rise of individualism transformed traditional family structures, leading to more diverse family forms.
Demographic perspective
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Studies family behaviors through statistics like birth rates, death rates, and migration.
Life course perspective
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Focuses on how individual family roles and relationships change throughout the stages of life.
Industrial Revolution & Democracy
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Created tensions within families as individualism grew, especially among women.
Separate spheres
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Gender roles became more rigid, with men working outside the home and women maintaining the home.
commencer à apprendre
The process of selecting a marriage partner, balancing individual desires with family interests.
Falling birth rates
commencer à apprendre
Improved contraception and shifting beliefs about child-rearing contributed to declining birth rates.
Marriage regulation
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The state enforced monogamy and family stability through laws rooted in Christian tradition.
African American family dynamics post-emancipation
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Faced extreme poverty, but extended family networks provided resilience.
Chinese Americans and family life
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Chinese men faced barriers due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, limiting family formation.
Mexican Americans post-Mexican-American War
commencer à apprendre
Families relied on extended networks for support, emphasizing familism.
Companionship family
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An ideal family model based on affection, equality, and companionship.
Companionate marriage
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Focused on friendship and romantic love rather than traditional economic roles.
Dating culture
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Young people gained more freedom in selecting romantic partners, replacing formal courtship.
Family wage
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Labor unions pushed for a wage allowing men to support their entire family.
Independence from marriage
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More people lived independently due to expanded workforce participation and welfare programs.
Emotional bonds in families
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Smaller families allowed parents to devote more attention to each child.
Race and ethnicity
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Socially constructed categories based on self-identification and societal perception.
Race categories
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Historically tied to hierarchies, with 'Whites' considered superior.
commencer à apprendre
Defined as a group believed to share common ancestry based on perceived physical traits.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to shared cultural traits like language, religion, or national origin.
commencer à apprendre
Marriage within the same racial or ethnic group, often to maintain cultural continuity.
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Marriage outside one’s racial or ethnic group.
Race and social inequality
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Historical practices like segregation and slavery created long-term inequalities.
Middle Eastern or North African (MENA)
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A racial category recognizing individuals from these regions in the U.S.
American Indians
commencer à apprendre
Faced historical decline due to disease and violence following colonization.
African Americans
commencer à apprendre
Rooted in slavery, they have faced persistent economic challenges.
W. E. B. Du Bois
commencer à apprendre
Noted disruptions in African American family life due to slavery and discrimination.
Great Migration
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Movement of Black workers from the rural South to Northern cities, leading to urban segregation.
commencer à apprendre
Cultural value emphasizing strong family loyalty and obligation.
Asian Americans
commencer à apprendre
Fastest-growing minority group, with cultural values emphasizing educational success.
Model minority stereotype
commencer à apprendre
Overlooks disparities within the Asian American community, particularly among Southeast Asians.
Rise of anti-Asian racism
commencer à apprendre
Increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting long-standing stereotypes.
1965 Immigration Reform
commencer à apprendre
Ended the quota system, increasing immigration from non-European countries.
Consensus theory (ladder)
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Views inequality as beneficial, creating competition for upward mobility.
Conflict theory (categories)
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Argues that social class is rooted in exploitation and class struggles.
Life chances (Max Weber)
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Opportunities to improve quality of life are largely determined by social class.
Social capital (Pierre Bourdieu)
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Resources and benefits gained through social networks and connections.
Upper class
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Wealthiest individuals, often business owners, corporate executives, or high-level professionals.
Middle class
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Large segment of professionals with stable jobs, able to meet basic needs.
Working class
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Less education and job security, working in manual labor or service industry jobs.
Lower class
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Struggles with poverty and job insecurity, relying on social welfare programs.
Gini Index
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Measure of income inequality, where 0 represents perfect equality and 1 perfect inequality.
Poverty line
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Official threshold for a family of four in 2021 was $27,479.
Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM)
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Takes into account welfare benefits, taxes, and cost of living.
Social mobility
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Ability to move between social classes, typically measured by comparing economic status across generations.
Concerted cultivation
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Middle-class parents cultivate children's skills through structured activities.
Accomplishment of natural growth
commencer à apprendre
Working-class parents provide comfort and care, allowing unstructured time for play.
Single-parent families
commencer à apprendre
Face challenges like limited financial resources and less time with children.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to biological differences like male and female anatomy.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to social roles and behaviors considered appropriate for men and women.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals who do not fit into traditional male or female categories.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth.
Sexual dimorphism
commencer à apprendre
Physical differences between males and females, with humans having low dimorphism.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals whose biological characteristics do not fit typical definitions of male or female.
Gender dysphoria
commencer à apprendre
Distress experienced by individuals whose gender identity does not align with their assigned sex.
Biological perspectives on gender
commencer à apprendre
Focus on how biological differences contribute to social roles.
Gender socialization
commencer à apprendre
Process by which individuals learn the gender norms of their society.
Gender segregation in work
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Men and women work in different types of jobs, contributing to the gender pay gap.
commencer à apprendre
Core aspect of personal identity and freedom, with more freedom to express sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation
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Pattern of romantic or sexual attraction, including heterosexual, homosexual, and other categories.
commencer à apprendre
Attraction to both men and women.
commencer à apprendre
Attraction to people regardless of gender identity.
commencer à apprendre
Describes individuals who do not experience sexual attraction.
commencer à apprendre
Social disapproval or discrimination faced for certain characteristics, such as sexual orientation.
commencer à apprendre
Fear or hatred of individuals who are gay or engage in same-sex relationships.
Genetics and environment in sexuality
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Sexual orientation has genetic components but is also shaped by environmental factors.
Teen sexual behavior
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Varies widely by socioeconomic status, education level, and race.
Decline in teen pregnancies
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Largely due to better access to birth control and sex education.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
commencer à apprendre
Common STDs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HPV.
Alfred Kinsey
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Pioneering researcher in human sexuality, contributing to understanding diverse sexual behaviors.
Social script
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Expected patterns of behavior in familiar social situations.
Romantic love
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Seen as passionate and unique, often a noble quest to overcome obstacles for love.
Utilitarian love
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More practical, where partners evaluate their relationship based on shared goals.
Mate selection
commencer à apprendre
Process of choosing romantic or sexual partners, often marrying within social class or race.
Hookup culture
commencer à apprendre
Casual sexual or romantic encounters without the expectation of commitment.
commencer à apprendre
Tendency to form relationships with those similar in race, religion, or social class.
commencer à apprendre
Practice of marrying within one's racial or ethnic group.
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Personal family
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Refers to the people we feel emotionally connected to and consider part of our family, even if there are no legal or biological ties.
Legal family
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Individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and are recognized by law.
Family as an institutional arena
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The family serves as a space where activities like childbearing and caregiving occur, governed by social norms and rules.
Family arena
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Space where individuals participate in intimate relationships and perform roles related to caregiving and raising children.
State arena
commencer à apprendre
Role of the government in regulating family behaviors through laws and policies.
Market arena
commencer à apprendre
Economic sphere that influences families through work, wages, and the cost of goods and services like childcare.
Consensus perspective (structural functionalism)
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Views society as a system of parts that work together to maintain stability and social order.
Conflict perspective
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Focuses on conflict and competition over resources, often leading to struggles over power within families.
Feminist theory
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Critiques traditional family structures for perpetuating gender inequality.
Exchange theory
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Views relationships as transactional, where individuals seek to maximize rewards and minimize costs.
Symbolic interactionism
commencer à apprendre
Emphasizes the role of individuals in creating and interpreting the meaning of family roles through daily interactions.
Modernity theory
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Explains how the rise of individualism transformed traditional family structures, leading to more diverse family forms.
Demographic perspective
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Studies family behaviors through statistics like birth rates, death rates, and migration.
Life course perspective
commencer à apprendre
Focuses on how individual family roles and relationships change throughout the stages of life.
Industrial Revolution & Democracy
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Created tensions within families as individualism grew, especially among women.
Separate spheres
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Gender roles became more rigid, with men working outside the home and women maintaining the home.
commencer à apprendre
The process of selecting a marriage partner, balancing individual desires with family interests.
Falling birth rates
commencer à apprendre
Improved contraception and shifting beliefs about child-rearing contributed to declining birth rates.
Marriage regulation
commencer à apprendre
The state enforced monogamy and family stability through laws rooted in Christian tradition.
African American family dynamics post-emancipation
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Faced extreme poverty, but extended family networks provided resilience.
Chinese Americans and family life
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Chinese men faced barriers due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, limiting family formation.
Mexican Americans post-Mexican-American War
commencer à apprendre
Families relied on extended networks for support, emphasizing familism.
Companionship family
commencer à apprendre
An ideal family model based on affection, equality, and companionship.
Companionate marriage
commencer à apprendre
Focused on friendship and romantic love rather than traditional economic roles.
Dating culture
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Young people gained more freedom in selecting romantic partners, replacing formal courtship.
Family wage
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Labor unions pushed for a wage allowing men to support their entire family.
Independence from marriage
commencer à apprendre
More people lived independently due to expanded workforce participation and welfare programs.
Emotional bonds in families
commencer à apprendre
Smaller families allowed parents to devote more attention to each child.
Race and ethnicity
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Socially constructed categories based on self-identification and societal perception.
Race categories
commencer à apprendre
Historically tied to hierarchies, with 'Whites' considered superior.
commencer à apprendre
Defined as a group believed to share common ancestry based on perceived physical traits.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to shared cultural traits like language, religion, or national origin.
commencer à apprendre
Marriage within the same racial or ethnic group, often to maintain cultural continuity.
commencer à apprendre
Marriage outside one’s racial or ethnic group.
Race and social inequality
commencer à apprendre
Historical practices like segregation and slavery created long-term inequalities.
Middle Eastern or North African (MENA)
commencer à apprendre
A racial category recognizing individuals from these regions in the U.S.
American Indians
commencer à apprendre
Faced historical decline due to disease and violence following colonization.
African Americans
commencer à apprendre
Rooted in slavery, they have faced persistent economic challenges.
W. E. B. Du Bois
commencer à apprendre
Noted disruptions in African American family life due to slavery and discrimination.
Great Migration
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Movement of Black workers from the rural South to Northern cities, leading to urban segregation.
commencer à apprendre
Cultural value emphasizing strong family loyalty and obligation.
Asian Americans
commencer à apprendre
Fastest-growing minority group, with cultural values emphasizing educational success.
Model minority stereotype
commencer à apprendre
Overlooks disparities within the Asian American community, particularly among Southeast Asians.
Rise of anti-Asian racism
commencer à apprendre
Increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting long-standing stereotypes.
1965 Immigration Reform
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Ended the quota system, increasing immigration from non-European countries.
Consensus theory (ladder)
commencer à apprendre
Views inequality as beneficial, creating competition for upward mobility.
Conflict theory (categories)
commencer à apprendre
Argues that social class is rooted in exploitation and class struggles.
Life chances (Max Weber)
commencer à apprendre
Opportunities to improve quality of life are largely determined by social class.
Social capital (Pierre Bourdieu)
commencer à apprendre
Resources and benefits gained through social networks and connections.
Upper class
commencer à apprendre
Wealthiest individuals, often business owners, corporate executives, or high-level professionals.
Middle class
commencer à apprendre
Large segment of professionals with stable jobs, able to meet basic needs.
Working class
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Less education and job security, working in manual labor or service industry jobs.
Lower class
commencer à apprendre
Struggles with poverty and job insecurity, relying on social welfare programs.
Gini Index
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Measure of income inequality, where 0 represents perfect equality and 1 perfect inequality.
Poverty line
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Official threshold for a family of four in 2021 was $27,479.
Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM)
commencer à apprendre
Takes into account welfare benefits, taxes, and cost of living.
Social mobility
commencer à apprendre
Ability to move between social classes, typically measured by comparing economic status across generations.
Concerted cultivation
commencer à apprendre
Middle-class parents cultivate children's skills through structured activities.
Accomplishment of natural growth
commencer à apprendre
Working-class parents provide comfort and care, allowing unstructured time for play.
Single-parent families
commencer à apprendre
Face challenges like limited financial resources and less time with children.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to biological differences like male and female anatomy.
commencer à apprendre
Refers to social roles and behaviors considered appropriate for men and women.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals who do not fit into traditional male or female categories.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth.
Sexual dimorphism
commencer à apprendre
Physical differences between males and females, with humans having low dimorphism.
commencer à apprendre
Individuals whose biological characteristics do not fit typical definitions of male or female.
Gender dysphoria
commencer à apprendre
Distress experienced by individuals whose gender identity does not align with their assigned sex.
Biological perspectives on gender
commencer à apprendre
Focus on how biological differences contribute to social roles.
Gender socialization
commencer à apprendre
Process by which individuals learn the gender norms of their society.
Gender segregation in work
commencer à apprendre
Men and women work in different types of jobs, contributing to the gender pay gap.
commencer à apprendre
Core aspect of personal identity and freedom, with more freedom to express sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation
commencer à apprendre
Pattern of romantic or sexual attraction, including heterosexual, homosexual, and other categories.
commencer à apprendre
Attraction to both men and women.
commencer à apprendre
Attraction to people regardless of gender identity.
commencer à apprendre
Describes individuals who do not experience sexual attraction.
commencer à apprendre
Social disapproval or discrimination faced for certain characteristics, such as sexual orientation.
commencer à apprendre
Fear or hatred of individuals who are gay or engage in same-sex relationships.
Genetics and environment in sexuality
commencer à apprendre
Sexual orientation has genetic components but is also shaped by environmental factors.
Teen sexual behavior
commencer à apprendre
Varies widely by socioeconomic status, education level, and race.
Decline in teen pregnancies
commencer à apprendre
Largely due to better access to birth control and sex education.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
commencer à apprendre
Common STDs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HPV.
Alfred Kinsey
commencer à apprendre
Pioneering researcher in human sexuality, contributing to understanding diverse sexual behaviors.
Social script
commencer à apprendre
Expected patterns of behavior in familiar social situations.
Romantic love
commencer à apprendre
Seen as passionate and unique, often a noble quest to overcome obstacles for love.
Utilitarian love
commencer à apprendre
More practical, where partners evaluate their relationship based on shared goals.
Mate selection
commencer à apprendre
Process of choosing romantic or sexual partners, often marrying within social class or race.
Hookup culture
commencer à apprendre
Casual sexual or romantic encounters without the expectation of commitment.
commencer à apprendre
Tendency to form relationships with those similar in race, religion, or social class.
commencer à apprendre
Practice of marrying within one's racial or ethnic group.

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