Vocabulearn 1 Nouns Eng-Deu

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The grass
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Das Gras
The moon
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Der Mond
The sound
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Der Klang
The airport
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Der Flugplatz
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The hand
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Die Hand
The hope
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Die Hoffnung
The dress
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Das Kleid
The wine
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Der Wein
The fire
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Das Feuer
The south
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Der Süden
The wool
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Die Wolle
The love
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Die Liebe
The winter
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Der Winter
The exit
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Der Ausgang
The spinach
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Der Spinat
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The ice cream
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Das Eis
The mountain
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Der Berg
The side
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Die Seite
The lunch
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Das Mittagessen
The telephone
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Das Telefon
The meat
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Das Fleisch
The apple
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Der Apfel
The bread
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Das Brot
The purse
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Die Handtasche
The bill
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Die Rechnung
The shop
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Das Geschäft
The dish
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Die Schüssel, dir Platte
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The hour
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Die Stunde
The teacher
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Der Lehrer
The knife
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Das Messer
The colour
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Die Farbe
The spring
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Der Frühling
The life
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Das Leben
The name
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Der Name
The student
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Der Student
The map
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Die Landkarte
The year
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Das Jahr
The story, the floor
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Das Stockwerk
The friend
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Der Freund
The language
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Die Sprache
The sister
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Die Schwester
The sister
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Die Schwester
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The door
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Die Tür
The noise
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Der Lärm
The businessman
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Der Geschäftsmann
The mistake
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Der Fehler
The horse
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Das Pferd
The water
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Das Wasser
The fashion
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Die Mode
The tobacco
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Der Tabak
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The corner
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Die Ecke
The means
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Die Mittel
The tea
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Der Tee
The umbrella
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Der Regenschirm
The movie theatre
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Das Kino
The car
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Das Auto
The egg
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Das Ei
The program
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Das Programm
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The spoon
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Der Löffel
The radio
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Das Radio
The cup
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Die Tasse
The seller
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Der Verkäufer
The pocket
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Die Tasche
The cake
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Der Kuchen
The magazine
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Die Zeitschrift
The roof
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Das Dach
The cake
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Der Kuchen
The word
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Das Wort
The boat
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Das Boot
The summer
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Der Sommer
The place
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Der Platz
The child
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Das Kind
The pencil
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Der Bleistift
Sir, Mister
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Herr, Herr
The kitchen
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Die Küche
The street
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Die Straße
The book
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Das Buch
The aunt
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Die Tante
The letter
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Der Brief
The tooth
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Der Zahn
The happiness
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Dad Glück
The rooster
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Der Hahn
The subway
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Die U-Bahn
The sidewalk
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Der Bürgersteig
The basket
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Der Korb
The appetite
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Der Appetit
The oil
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Das Öl
The feeling
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Das Gefühl
The next day
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Der nächste Tag
The face
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Das Gesicht
The high school
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Das Gymnasium, die Oberschule
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The speed
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Die Geschwindigkeit
The writer
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Der Schriftsteller
The leg
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Das Bein
The elevator
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Der Aufzug
The manner
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Das Benehmen, die Manieren
The village
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Das Dorf
The forest
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Der Wald
The stone
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Der Stein
The copy
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Die Kopie
The arrival
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Die Ankunft
The dog
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Der Hund
The North
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Der Norden
The garden, the yard
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Der Garten
The holiday
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Der Feiertag, der Urlaub
The workman
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Der Arbeiter
The musician
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Der Musiker
The competition
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Der Wettkampf
The West
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Der Westen
The raincoat
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Der Regenmantel
The vegetable
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Das Gemüse
The chicken
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Das Huhn
The tray
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Das Tablett
The rain
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Der Regen
The river
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Der Fluss
The light
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Das Licht
The date
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Das Datum
The television
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Der Fernseher
The breakfast
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Das Frühstück
The butter
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Die Butter
The flower
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Die Blume
One time
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The employee
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Der Angestellte
The ticket
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Die Eintrittskarte, der Fahrschein, die Fahrkarte
The money
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Das Geld
The brother
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Der Bruder
The traveller
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Der Reisende
The fork
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Die Gabel
The meal
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Die Mahl, die Mahlzeit
The sun
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Die Sonne
The sky
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Der Himmel
The truth
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Die Wahrheit
The pupil
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Der Schüler
The East
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Der Osten
The thing
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Das Ding
The bathroom
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Das Badezimmer, die Toilette
The father
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Der Vater
The mirror
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Der Spiegel
In the countryside
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Auf dem Land
The lesson
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Der Unterricht, die Lektion
The man
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Der Mann
The uncle
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Der Onkel
The family
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Die Familie
The window
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Das Fenster
The woman
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Die Frau
The grocer
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Der Lebensmittelhändler
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The picture
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Das Bild
The baker
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Der Bäcker
The church
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Die Kirche
The fly
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Die Fliege
The shop window
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Das Schaufenster
The drugstore
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Die Drogerie, die Apoteka
The staircase
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Die Treppe
The doctor (academic)
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Der Doktor
The rest
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Die Rast
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The peasant
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Der Bauer
The sugar
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Der Zucker

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