Teil 7 Wortschatz - eine kleine Wiederholung

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Schlittschuh laufen
go by cable car
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mit der Bergbahn fahren
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in der Sonne liegen
swimming in the lake
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im See schwimmen
walk along the beach
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den Strand entlang gehen
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cycle through the area
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durch die Gegend radeln
sitting in a cafe in the pedestrian zone
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in einem Cafe in der Fussgangerzone sitzen
the sleeping bag
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der Schlafsack
Visit exhibitions
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Ausstelungen besuchen
get to know the nightlife of a large estate
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das Nachtleben einer Grossstandt kennen lernen
Have time for each other
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Zeit füreinander haben
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let off steam
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sich austoben
be robbed
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bestohlen werden
be cheated
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betrogen werden
drive in black and pay a fine
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schwarz fahren und Strafe bezahlen
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The car accident
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der Autounfall
the car breakdown
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die Autopanne
have a flat tire
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eine Reifenpanne haben
the speed
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die Geschwindigkeit
turn on the hazard warning lights
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die Warnblinkanlage einschalten
see for injured / dead
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nach Verletzten/Toten sehen
bounce against a tree
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gegen einen Baum prallen
call the ambulance
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den Notarztwagen rufen
be responsible for the accident
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am Unfall schuld sein
towing the car
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das Auto abschleppen
to look at the damage
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den Schaden ansehen
Report the accident to the insurance company
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den Unfall der Versicherungsfirma melden
set up the warning triangle
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das Warndreieck aufstellen
Drive recklessly
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leichtsinnig fahren
to skid
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ins Schleudern geraten
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der Verkehr
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sich bewegen
the truck
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der Lkw
the car
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der PKW
the tramway
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die Strassenbahn
the motorcycle
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das Motorrad
the subway
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die U-Bahn
the aircraft
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das Flugzeug
the moped
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das Moped
the bike
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das Fahrrad
the train
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der Zug
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the ticket
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die Fahrkarte
the arrival
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die Ankunft
the clearance
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die Abfertigung
the arrival
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die Ankunft
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avoid traffic jams
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Staus vermeiden
get to your destination quickly
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schnell ans Ziel kommen
be overflowing
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uberfullt sein
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get off
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go over the bridge
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uber die Brucke gehen
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to the left
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nach links
along the road
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die Strasse entlang
the crossroad
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die Kreuzung
to the intersection
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bis zur Kreuzung
the traffic lights
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die Ampel
up to the traffic lights
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bis zur Ampel
past the post office
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an der Post vorbei
two stops drive
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zwei Haltestellen fahren
Excuse me, how do I get to?
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Entschuldigung, wie komme ich zu?
recover from
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sich erholen von + D
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to recover from everyday life
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sich vom Alltag erholen
Experience adventures
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Abentuer erleben
do something with pleasure
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etwas mit Freuden unternehmen
discovering foreign cultures
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fremde Kulturen entdecken
see new places
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neue Platze sehen
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Gain experience
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Erfahrungen sammeln
save for the trip
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fur die Reise sparen
Research the internet
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im Internet recherchieren
inquire after
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sich erkundigen nach (D)
get informed
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sich informieren lassen
the offer
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das Angebot
find offers
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Angebote finden
compare offers
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Angebote vergleichen
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sich entscheiden
to plan a trip
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eine Reise planen
the travel program
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das Reiseprogramm
look at the travel catalogs
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sich die Reisekataloge ansehen
book a trip
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eine Reise buchen
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der Aufenthalt
organize the stay
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den Aufenthalt organisieren
be excited about the trip
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Reisefieber haben
pack a backpack
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einen Rucksack packen
the map
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die Landkarte
The Guide
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der Reisefuhrer
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The Overnight
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die Ubernachtung
the accommodation
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die Unterkunft
get an accommodation
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eine Unterkunft besorgen
the apartment
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die Ferienwohnung
the youth hostel
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die Jugenherberge
the campsite
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der Campingplatz
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die Pension
the food
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die Verpflegung
the full board
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die Vollpension
the half board
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die Halbpension
book a room
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ein Zimmer reservieren
single room
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das Einzelzimmer
the double room
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das Doppelzimmer
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Schlitten fahren
the gas cooker
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der Gaskocher
take a bike ride
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eine Radtour machen
call the ambulance
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den Notarztwagen rufen
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