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French words beginning with the letter “h” which is not pronounced are divided into two groups: aspired “h” and mute “h”. The initial letter “h” is not pronounced. commencer à apprendre
the aspired “h” appears in French words borrowed from other languages and acts like a consonant: - there are no contractions (elisions) with it, like in the word “hockey”, - there are no liaisons in front of it. For example, if you were to pronounce the word “heroes” with definite article with the liaison, you would be saying “the zeros”. commencer à apprendre
le hockey / les héros / les zéros
the mute “h” appears in most French words that begin with “h’. In this case the word acts as if it begins with a vowel: contractions and liaisons are required like in word “man” with the definite article. commencer à apprendre
l’homme /les hommes (la liaison)
the liaison is the pronunciation of a usually silent word-final consonant before a following vowel like in word “friend” with indefinite article commencer à apprendre
un ami (m) / une amie (f)
the elision is the suppression of a final vowel before another word beginning with a vowel. The deletion of a vowel is indicated in writing with an apostrophe like in the word “friend” with definite article commencer à apprendre
the list of the most common words that begin with the aspired “h” commencer à apprendre
la liste des mots les plus populaires qui commencent par un “h” aspiré
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