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This is a traditional dish in Britany and became famous all over the world, you can find crêperies (i. e restaurants that makes Breton crepe) everywhere in France, but the best are in Britany!
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You will find this dish mostly in the south west (Sud Ouest) of France. Often served with French fries, this dish consist in a piece of duck cooked in its fat!
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This is a traditional dish from the Savoie, a department in the Alps mountains, it is made of local pasta and cheese, it is very appreciated with a salad and red wine or cider.
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Originally from Le Mans and Tours, either made of pork or duck, this is really appreciated with bread and red or white wine.
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This a traditional biscuit from the city of Romans, filled with either myrtles or raspberries cream.
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This is a traditional cheese from the Burgundy-Franche-comté region in the Doubs department, you can it almost the same way you eat cheese fondue, with bread, potatoes, delicatessen along with a good white wine.
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This is a very recent dessert that saw its birth in 1981 thanks to Michel Bras. This dessert will please every chocolate lovers, it has an heart of melting chocolate in its center.
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Traditional dessert from britany, it is made of flour, sugar, milk, butter and includes prunes.
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A tasty salad from the Lands in the southwest composed with many ingredients like duck, pork, salad, tomatoes, cocumber, apples and asparagus.
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This dessert is a vanilla cream covered with caramelized sugar, it made its first apparition in Spain as a Catalan cream and will be cited for the first time in 1691 by French royal cooker François Massialot.
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One of the emblematic dish of Lyon city, this sausage shaped paste and mixed with meat. It is delecious with a red wine!
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Blanquette is a traditional French cuisine recipe, based on marinated veal stew, then simmered in a court-bouillon of white wine, carrot, leek, onion, mushroom, bouquet garni, bound in white cream and butter sauce. It can be served with rice or pasta
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The Parmentier minced meat is a dish Made from mashed potatoes and ground beef. This gratin owes its name to the apothecary, Antoine Parmentier, who created this dish for Louis the XVIth to show him that potatoe could effectively combat food shortages.
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The duck breast is a lean meat fillet, cut from the breast of a goose or a fattened duck. It can be dried or smoked, cut into thin slices, and is most often served rare or rosé after being grilled or pan-fried.
Paupiettes de veau farcies aux cèpes et au cognac commencer à apprendre
Veal steaks stuffed with ceps and cognac A paupiette is a thin slice of meat, usually made from beef or veal, that is covered with a stuffing and rolled before cooking.
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Pâté en croute is a pastry delicatessen made up of a pâté cooked in a puff pastry or in a short pastry. As a cold starter, it contains jelly at its top and is cooked in a bowl.