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question réponse
j'ai quelque chose à te montrer.
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I have something to show you.
bien vue! artiste!
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well seen artist (very well done)
Je vais te sécher!
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I dry you out! (I'll mess you up)
C'est pas faux.
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It is not false. (You ain't wrong)
tout vu bien
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Everything is great
nom de dieu!
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For God Sake
niveau de vol
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level of flight
Jamais deux sans trois
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Never two without three
gros matinée
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fat morning
un pas devant l'autre
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one step in front of another
J'ai planifié ce voyage moi-même.
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I planned this this trip on my own.
Tu es encore debout?
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You are awake still?
a confirmer
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to confirm
Je ne t'ai pas déjà salué aujourd'hui?
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I did not already say hello to you today?
la confiance n'exclut pas le contrôle.
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confidence does not exclude control.
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guy (dude)
c'est bon sa!
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it's good
préférez-vous que je vous dise?
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would you prefer I tell you?
remuer le couteau dans la plaie.
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to stir the knife in the wound.
on lui a mis une claque
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we slapped him (when we finish a good bottle of something.
C'est un bon procédé
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It's a good process (win/win)
enjoliver, joli
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beautify, pretty
nous pouvons vous donner un bureau ici.
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we can give you a desk here.
Tu veux venir?
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You want to come?
la liberté des uns s'arrete où commence celle des autres
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the freedom of some stops where others begin
laisse tomber
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drop it (never mind)
J'ai été déçu.
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I was dissapointed.
peut importe le flacon pourvu que j'ai l'ivresse
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no matter the bottle as long as I'm drunk
ah bon vraiment?!
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Oh really?!
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rotten (slang)
Nous saluons le retour.
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Welcome back.
Un bon gars.
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A good guy.
ça s'est joué à peu de choses...
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it played out a few things ... (It worked out/narrow escape)
c'est l'intention qui compte
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it's the thought that counts
sur les fesses
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on the buttocks
tant mieux
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so much better
tant pis
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never mind
ça n'a pas de sens
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it does not make sense
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ça n'a pas d'importance
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it does not matter
J'étais très fatigué hier.
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I was very tired yesterday.
perdre mes moyens
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Lose my focus; to frazzle(lose my ways)
Tout se paie.
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Everything is paid for. (no good deed goes unpunished.)
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coup de foudre
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love at first sight
Il me Tarde!
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I look forward!
Va te faire foutre.
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Go fuck yourself.
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avec reproche
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