Sandeces Kike's Course.

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You have to speak out........ Speak out.
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(Hablar fuerte y claro). - - - Tienes que hablar fuerte y claro.
I dropped my pencil.
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(Yo dejé caer mi lapiz).
Se me cayó el lápiz
The one with the Green eyes.
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(La una con los verde ojos).
La de los ojos Verdes.
The one in the Dark suit.
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(El uno en el obscuro traje).
El del traje obscuro.
Those people are crazy.
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(Esas gente estan locas).
Esa gente esta loca.
let me in.
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Dejenme entrar.
let me out.
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Déjenme Salir.
Translate into English.
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Traducir al inglés.
This is the way in. Please, Follow me.
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This is the way in. Please, Follow me. ?
Esta es la entrada. Por favor sigame.
That way out.
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Por haya se sale.
Let’s make up.
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Hagamos las paces.
To make fun of someone.
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Burlarse de alguién. - - - (Con make fu)
Are you making fun of me?.
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¿Te estas burlando de mi?.
Every other day.
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Cada tercer dia.
He gave me one hundred dollars too much.
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El me dió cien dolares de más.
This coming week.
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Esta semana que viene.
Is too dark here, let's strike a match...... Strike a match
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Encender un fosforo.
Juan the baker’s wife.
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La esposa de Juan el Panadero.
Walk the dog.
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Sacar a pasear al perro., Caminar el perro.
Espero poder ir., Espero ser capaz de ir.
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I hope to be able to go.
English speaking people.
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Personas de Habla inglesa.
as for John.
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En cuanto a John.
I’m shaking with cold.
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Estoy temblando de frio.
even numbers.
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Numeros pares. (Números parejos).
odd numbers.
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Numeros impares.
Qué película están pasando?.
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what movie is on?.
It's a fact...... FACK.
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Es un hecho. - - It's a (- - -).
What have you been up to?.
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Que has estado haciendo?.
Are you sure you are UP TO this job?.
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¿Estás seguro de que eres apto para hacer este trabajo?.
I "happened to" meet an old friend in town...... happen to.
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Por casualidad. De casualidad.
Did you "happen to" see my keys?... happen to.
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Por casualidad. De casualidad.

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