Przymiotniki opisujące ludzkie charaktery - negatywne

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question American English réponse American English
........ (nieszczery, nieuczciwy) individuals deceive others for personal gain.
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Dishonest individuals deceive others for personal gain.
........ (arogancki) personalities display excessive pride and self-importance.
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Arrogant personalities display excessive pride and self-importance.
........ (samolubny) souls prioritize their interests over others' needs.
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Selfish souls prioritize their interests over others' needs.
........ (manipulacyjny) minds cunningly control and influence others.
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Manipulative minds cunningly control and influence others.
........ (leniwy) individuals avoid responsibility and hard work.
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Lazy individuals avoid responsibility and hard work.
........ (niecierpliwy) people become easily irritated and restless.
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Impatient people become easily irritated and restless.
........ (nieuprzejmy, grubianski) characters lack courtesy and consideration for others.
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Rude characters lack courtesy and consideration for others.
........ (nierzetelny, nieslowny) personalities fail to fulfill their commitments consistently.
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Unreliable personalities fail to fulfill their commitments consistently.
........ (zazdrosny) souls resent others' success and achievements.
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Jealous souls resent others' success and achievements.
........ (kaprysny, markotny) individuals experience unpredictable and unstable emotions.
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Moody individuals experience unpredictable and unstable emotions.
........ (chciwy, zachlanny) hearts constantly crave more at the expense of others.
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Greedy hearts constantly crave more at the expense of others.
........ (nieodpowiedzialny) minds neglect their duties and obligations.
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Irresponsible minds neglect their duties and obligations.
........ (nieuprzejmy) personalities disregard the feelings and needs of others.
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Inconsiderate personalities disregard the feelings and needs of others.
........ (uparty) individuals refuse to consider alternative perspectives or opinions.
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Stubborn individuals refuse to consider alternative perspectives or opinions.
........ (pesymistyczny) souls focus on the negative aspects of situations.
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Pessimistic souls focus on the negative aspects of situations.
........ (manipulacyjny) people use cunning tactics to exploit others.
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Manipulative people use cunning tactics to exploit others.
........ (impulsywny) characters act without thinking about the consequences.
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Impulsive characters act without thinking about the consequences.
........ (mieuprzejmy, lekcewazacy) individuals show rudeness and disregard for others' feelings.
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Disrespectful individuals show rudeness and disregard for others' feelings.
........ (obojetny) personalities display apathy and lack of concern for others.
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Indifferent personalities display apathy and lack of concern for others.
........ (msciwy) souls seek revenge and harbor grudges against others.
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Vindictive souls seek revenge and harbor grudges against others
........ (nie pewny siebie) people lack confidence and constantly seek validation.
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Insecure people lack confidence and constantly seek validation.
........ (kaprysny, markotny) personalities exhibit unpredictable and volatile moods.
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Moody personalities exhibit unpredictable and volatile moods.
........ (nieodpowiedzialny) individuals neglect their duties and obligations.
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Irresponsible individuals neglect their duties and obligations.
........ (zawistny, zazdrosny) hearts harbor resentment towards others' success.
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Envious hearts harbor resentment towards others' success.
........ (cyniczny) minds distrust and doubt the motives of others.
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Cynical minds distrust and doubt the motives of others.
........ (manipulacyjny) souls deceive and exploit for personal gain.
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Manipulative souls deceive and exploit for personal gain.
........ (egocentryczny) individuals put their needs above everyone else's.
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Self-centered individuals put their needs above everyone else's.

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