Stwórz przeczenia z podanych zdań w czasie present perfect.

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question American English réponse American English
I've finished my breakfast.
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I haven't finished my breakfast.
She's bought a new dress for the party tonight.
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She hasn't bought a new dress for the party tonight.
We've watched three episodes of our favorite TV show.
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We haven't watched three episodes of our favorite TV show.
He's completed his homework.
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He hasn't completed his homework.
They've cleaned the house.
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They haven't cleaned the house.
I've cooked dinner.
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I haven't cooked dinner.
She's taken a shower.
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She hasn't taken a shower.
We've studied for the exam.
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We haven't studied for the exam.
He's fixed the leaking faucet in the bathroom.
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He hasn't fixed the leaking faucet in the bathroom.
They've walked the dog.
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They haven't walked the dog.
I've read the book.
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I haven't read the book.
She's finished her workout.
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She hasn't finished her workout.
We've organized our closet.
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We haven't organized our closet.
He's learned how to play the guitar.
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He hasn't learned how to play the guitar.
They've met their friends for coffee.
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They haven't met their friends for coffee.
I've written an email to my colleague.
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I haven't written an email to my colleague.
She's baked cookies for her children.
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She hasn't baked cookies for her children.
We've visited a new art exhibition in the city.
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We haven't visited a new art exhibition in the city.
He's fixed the flat tire on his bicycle.
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He hasn't fixed the flat tire on his bicycle.
They've cleaned their car.
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They haven't cleaned their car.
I've taken a nap.
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I haven't taken a nap.
She's finished knitting a scarf.
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She hasn't finished knitting a scarf.
We've planted flowers in our garden.
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We haven't planted flowers in the garden.
He's completed his online course.
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He hasn't completed his online course.
They've tried a new recipe for dinner.
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They haven't tried a new recipe for dinner.
I've watched a documentary about space exploration.
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I haven't watched a documentary about space exploration.
She has organized her desk.
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She hasn't organized her desk.
We've played a board game.
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We haven't played a board game.
He's called his parents.
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He hasn't called his parents.
They've practiced yoga.
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They haven't practiced yoga.
I have cleaned the windows.
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I haven't cleaned the windows.
She's finished knitting a sweater for her baby.
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She hasn't finished knitting a sweater for her baby.
We've watered the plants.
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We haven't watered the plants.
He has updated his resume.
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He hasn't updated his resume.
They have taken a walk in the park.
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They haven't taken a walk in the park.
I have done the laundry.
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I haven't done the laundry.
She has finished writing her report for work.
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She hasn't finished writing her report for work.
We have watched a movie.
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We haven't watched a movie.
He has painted the living room walls.
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He hasn't painted the living room walls.
They have booked tickets for a vacation in the mountains.
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They haven't booked tickets for a vacation in the mountains.

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