Podstawy: prezentacja siebie i kogoś (GRUNDLÆGGENDE: at præsentere dig selv og en anden) 1-3

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question réponse
EN lektie / lektier
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a homework /homework (pl.)
Jeg er gift
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I'm married
Lyt og gentag
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Listen and repeat
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each other
Hvad med dig?
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What about you?
Hvad sprog taller du?
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What language do you speak?
Hvordan går det?
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How are you?
Tak, det går fint
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Thanks, I'm fine
Hvad hedder du til fornavn?
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What is your first name?
Hvad hedder du til efternavn?
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What's your last name?
EN udtale (udtalen)
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a pronunciation (the pronunciation)
Hvordan staver du det?
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How do you spell it?
Hvem er det?
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Who is it?
Det er... (hun/han/det)
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It's... (she/he/it)
jeg, du, hun/han/det
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I, you, she/he/it
ET mellemrum/ der er mellemrum
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a space/ there are spaces
At praesentere andre
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To introduce others
Hjaelp hinanden med udtalen
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Help each other with the pronunciation
Traen i klassen og derefter parvis
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Train in class and then in pairs
Hvad er DIN nationalitet?
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What is your nationality?
Hvad er DIT modersmål?
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What is your mother tongue?
hun > hendes
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she > her
han > hans
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he > his
Snak om...
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Chat about...
praesenter på skift
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present in turn
vi, i, de
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we, you, they
HvilkEN land? Hvilke lande?
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Which country? Which countries?
HvilkET sprog? Hvilke sprog?
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What (which) language? What (which) languages?
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question word
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of course
Kan du gentage?
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Can you repeat?
med hv-ord / unden hv-ord
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with question word / without question word
Saet ordene i rigtig raekkefolge.
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Put the words in the right order.
EN selvpræsentation
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A self-presentation
Udfyld blanketten
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fill in the form
en kvinde/ kvinder
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a woman/ women
en mand/ mænd
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a man/ men
et barn/ børn
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a child/ children
et menneske/ mennesker
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a person/people
en pige/ piger
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a girl/girls
en dreng/ drenge
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a boy/ boys
Hun har været i Sverige i 2 år
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She has been in Sweden for 2 years
Han er ikke gift og han har ikke nogen børn.
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He is not married and he does not have any children.
Hun savner Tyskland.
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She misses Germany.
Hun har KUN været i Tjekkiet i 5 måneder.
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She has ONLY been in the Czech Republic for 5 months.
har været/ har boet
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has been/has lived
(jeg/ du/ hun/ han) blev født
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(I/ you/ she/ he) was born
Jeg er et enebarn
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I am an only child
Han bor sammen med SIN famillie
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He lives with HIS family
Hun elsker SIT arbejde
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She loves HER job

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