Phrasal Verbs

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take off
Take your feet off the desk
Amanda took off her makeup and went to bed
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take out
Can you take the dogs out before the storm?
take out the trash before you go to work-Randy took Karla out last night
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sacar, extraer, invitar
put down
Can you put down you phone for a secound? I wanna talk to you
We put down mousetraps in the attic
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poner, colocar, dejar
pick up
if you need a ride, I can pick you up
Can you pick up your suit from the dry cleaner?
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carry out
I can’t carry out these tasks
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llevar a cabo, realizar
get off
How quick can I get off this?
and provide opportunities for people to get off the streets
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bajar, salirse, marcharse
getting off
I'm getting off topic speaking of lose the thread—Me estoy saliendo del tema hablando de perder el hilo
you getting off? - te vas?
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bajar, salirse, marcharse
you are going to faint after I tell you
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débil, desmayo

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