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Rafa Gallegos said he got away with stealing from shops many times when he was young. He never got caught, and had the sense to stop before he was. ------- get away with sth. Salir bien librados de, salirse con la suya. to succeed in not being criticized or punished for something wrong that you have done. commencer à apprendre
Salir bien librados de, salirse con la suya. to succeed in not being criticized or punished for something wrong that you have done. The students didn’t get away with cheating in the exam. They were caught. ------- get away with sth.
Keep the dogs away until I get the kids into the house. They get scared when they see animals they don’t know.------- keep sth/sb away. Mantener lejos, mantenerse alejado de. to not go somewhere or near something, or to prevent someone or something from going somewhere or near something. commencer à apprendre
Mantener lejos, mantenerse alejado de. to not go somewhere or near something, or to prevent someone or something from going somewhere or near something. ------- If you bring kids to the office, keep them away from the computers. ------- keep sth/sb away.
Ceci you should keep away from fried foods. ------- keep away from. Evitar, evitarse de. to avoid someone or something, or to make someone else do this. (see also: stay away (from). commencer à apprendre
Evitar, evitarse de. to avoid someone or something, or to make someone else do this. (see also: stay away (from). You can’t keep the kids away from the computer. ------- keep away from.
Thomas Horak inherited some money when his grandfather died, and spent about half of it and put the rest away for the future. ------- put away sth. Ahorrar. to save an amount of money. (see also: lay aside, put aside, set aside). commencer à apprendre
Ahorrar. to save an amount of money. (see also: lay aside, put aside, set aside). I try to put a little away every month. ------- put away sth.
Javy and Lalo put away a whole bottle of whisky last night. ------- put away. Darse una artada, samparse, tomarse, tragarse, darse un atracón de. if you put away a lot of food or drink, you eat or drink it. commencer à apprendre
Darse una artada, samparse, tomarse, tragarse, darse un atracón de. if you put away a lot of food or drink, you eat or drink it. Gorge was putting away tons of chinese food yesterday. ------- put away.
The robber who put away the bank security has been captured. ------- put sb away. Matar, sacrificar. (American, slang). To kill a person or animal to put to death, because of old age or illness. (see also: put dowm). commencer à apprendre
Matar, sacrificar. (American, slang). To kill a person or animal to put to death, because of old age or illness. (see also: put dowm). The dog had to be put away. ------- put sb away.
If you wash the clothes, I’ll iron them and put them away. ------- put away sth. Almacenar, guardar. to put something in the place where it is usually kept. (see also: pack away). commencer à apprendre
Almacenar, guardar. to put something in the place where it is usually kept. (see also: pack away). My mom folded up the towels and put them away in the cupboard. ------- put away sth.
Noe Ramirez was put away for five years for armed robbery. ------- put sb away. internar, enviar a alguien al manicomio o prisión. to send someone to prison, or to a hospital for people who are mentally ill. commencer à apprendre
internar, enviar a alguien al manicomio o prisión. to send someone to prison, or to a hospital for people who are mentally ill. In the past, people who suffered from schizophrenia were often put away. ------- put sb away.
The kids knocked on the door and "ran away". ------- run away. Huir, escaparse. To escape from people chasing you. commencer à apprendre
Huir, escaparse. To escape from people chasing you. Ibanka Trump "ran away" from his attackers. ------- run away.
When she was thirteen she ran away from home. ------- run away. Escaparse, irse de casa. to secretly leave a place because you are unhappy there. commencer à apprendre
Escaparse, irse de casa. to secretly leave a place because you are unhappy there. Sophie won’t face her problems. She just tries to run away from them. ------- run away.
For the cast and crew, it was time to celebrate and give thanks after months of "slogging away". ------- slog away. Trabajar duro. to keep working very hard, usually for a long time. commencer à apprendre
Trabajar duro. to keep working very hard, usually for a long time. If she's got a job to do, she'll just slog away at it until it's finished. ------- slog away.