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plan filmowy
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film set
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to wait
bujać się
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to swing
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to develop
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rozwijać nowe zainteresowania
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to develoop new interests
Oni są na planie filmowym
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They are at a film set
Co to jest?
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What’s that?
Przestań! To scenariusz!
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Stop! That’s the script
Jakie nowe zainteresowania ma Coco?
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What new interests has Coco got?
Jakie są twoje nowe zainteresowania?
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What are your new interests?
Coco uczy się rysować
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Coco learns to draw
Uczę się robić pierogi
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I learn to make pierogies
Czy Coco ma lekcje baletu
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Does Coco have ballet lessons?
Czy on umie uprawiać gimnastykę?
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Can he do gymnastics?
Tak, on umie
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Yes, he can
Nie, on nie umie
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No, he can not
Czy on uprawia karate?
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Does he do karate?
Nie, on nie uprawia
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No, he does not
Tak, on uprawia
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Yes, he does
Czy ty uprawiasz karate?
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Do you do karate?
Nie, ja nie uprawiam
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No, I do not
Tak, ja uprawiam
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Yes, I do
Coco uczy się rysować w piątki
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Coco learns to draw on Fridays

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