Kapitel 11

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question réponse
the experiment that
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das Experiment, die Experimente
half, the halves
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die Hälfte, die Hälften
the thing, the things
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die Sache, die Sachen
the candy, the sweets
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die Süßigkeit, die Süßigkeiten
to be hungry
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hungrig sein
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Can I do that?
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Schaffe ich das?
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3 times a day
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3-mal täglich
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at least
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for real
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the age (s.
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das Alter (s.)
the weight, the weights
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das Gewicht, die Gewichte
the arm, arms
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der Arm, die Arme
the belly, the B
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der Bauch, die Bäuche
leg, legs
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das Bein, die Beine
the chest
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die Brust
the face, the faces
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das Gesicht, die Gesichter
the eye, the eye
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das Auge, die Augen
the nose, the nose
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die Nase, die Nasen
the mouth, mouths
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der Mund, die Münder
ear, ears
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das Ohr, die Ohren
the hair, the hair
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das Haar, die Haare
the neck, the necks
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der Hals, die Hälse
hand, hands
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die Hand, die Hände
of the fingers, the fingers
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der Finger, die Finger
the foot, feet
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der Fuß, die Füße
the heart, the heart
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das Herz, die Herzen
the knee, the knee
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das Knie, die Knie
the head, the head
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der Kopf, die Köpfe
the back, the back
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der Rücken, die Rücken
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to stand on one leg
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auf einem Bein stehen
stretch out
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just old
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gerade alten
pulling up
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how old are you?
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wie alt bist du?
how tall are you?
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wie groß bist du?
how much do you weigh?
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wie viel wiegst du?
be sick
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krank sein
the fever
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das fieber
sore throat
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die Halsschmerzen
the cough
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der Husten
the headache
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die Kopfschmerzen
the cold
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der Schnupfen
The cough syrup
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der Hustensaft, die Hustensäfte
the controls
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die Kontrolle, die Kontrollen
the band-aid
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das Pflaster, die Pflaster
the prescription
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das Rezept, die Rezepte
the ointment
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die Salbe, die Salben
the syringe
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die Spritze, die Spritzen
the tablet
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die Tablette, die Tabletten
the drops
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die Tropfen
the band
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der Verband, Verbände
the accident, accidents
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der Unfall, Unfälle
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have a cold
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erkältet sein
sick se
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krank sein
I'm sick
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Ich bin Krank.
go out
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(can not sleep
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(nicht) schlafen können
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The knee is injured.
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Das Knie ist verletzt.
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wechseln (den Verband)
stay in bed
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im Bett bleiben
I do not feel good
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Mir geht es nicht gut
My stomach hurts.
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Mein Bauch tut weh.
What happened?
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Was ist passiert?
That hurts?
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Tut das weh?
a little
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ein bisschen
the general practitioner, the general practitioners
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der Allgemeinarzt, die Allgemeinärzte
the general practitioner, the GP
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die Allgemeinärztin, die Allgemeinärztinnen
the ophthalmologist
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der Augenarzt
the gynecologist
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der Frauenarzt
the ear, nose and throat doctor
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der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt
the pediatrician
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der Kinderarzt
the emergency physician
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der Notarzt
the dentist
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der Zahnarzt
the pharmacist
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der Apotheker, die Apotheker
the pharmacist, the pharmacists
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die Apothekerin, die Apothekerinen
the doctor's assistant, the doctor's assistant
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der Arzhelfer, die Arzhelfer
the male nurse
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der Krankenpfleger
the physiotherapist
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der Physiotherapeut
the creme
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die Creme
the towel
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das Handtuch
the soap
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die Seife
the shampoo
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der Shampoo
Tomorrow we go!
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Morgen geht es los!
That's not for me.
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Das ist nichts für mich.
I will not change my mind.
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Ich bleibe hart.
the comb
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der Kamm
the shower gel
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das Duschgel
the hair dryer
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der Föhn
the brush
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die Bürste

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