irregular verbs eng-port

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be, was, been.
commencer à apprendre
ser, estar, existir
beat, beat, beaten
hit repeatedly
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bater, espancar, superar, vibrar, palpitar
become, became, become
begin to be
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tornar-se, transformar-se, ser digno de, assentar
begin, began, begun
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bend, bent, bent
force something into a curve
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curvar, entortar, franzir, dirigir, desistir
bet, bet, bet
risk something
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bite, bit, bitten
use the teeth to cut
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morder, engolir a isca
bleed, bled, bled
loose blood
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sangrar, perder sangue, destilar, tirar dinheiro a alguém
blow, blew, blown
exhale hard
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soprar, encher, ventar, assobiar, estourar, fazer soar
break, broke, broken
separate into pieces
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quebrar, romper, violar, interromper, cancelar, falir
bring, brought, brought
carry or convey
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trazer, servir, causar, executar, induzir
broadcast, broadcast, broadcast
to send out a radio or television programme
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transmitir, difundir, emitir, divulgar, propagar, irradiar
build, built, built
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construir, edificar, fabricar
burn, burnt, burnt
be destroyed by fire
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queimar, incendiar, carbonizar
burst, burst, burst
cause to break by puncture
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arrebentar, explodir, brotar, exclamar
buy, bought, bought
obtain in exchange for payment
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catch, caught, caught
intercept and hold
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pegar, capturar, surpreender
choose, chose, chosen
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escolher, selecionar, preferir
come, came, come
move toward the speaker
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vir, chegar, consentir, suceder, atingir o orgasmo
cost, cost, cost
have a price
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custar, importar em
cut, cut, cut
make an incision
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cortar, partir, reduzir, recortar, castrar
deal, dealt, dealt
distribute or sell
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dar, distribuir, repartir, dividir, espalhar, negociar
dig, dug, dug
extract earth from the ground
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cavar, escavar, gostar, entender, começar, perceber
do, did, done
make / perform
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fazer, funcionar, cuidar de, parar, mostrar, jogar, enganar
draw, drew, drawn
make a picture with lines
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puxar, tirar, extrair, desenhar, descrever, traçar, adiantar-se, atrair
dream, dreamt, dreamt
imagine during sleep
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drink, drank, drunk
the act of swallowing a liquid
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drive, drove, driven
operate a motor vehicle
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dirigir, viajar, levar, conduzir, guiar, compelir, excitar
eat, ate, eaten
ingest food
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comer, destruir, devorar, mastigar
fall, fell, fallen
move downward without control
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cair, descer, abaixar-se, diminuir, ceder, morrer, abandonar
feel, felt, felt
be aware of a physical sensation
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sentir, perceber, experimentar, apalpar
feed, fed, fed
give food
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alimentar, nutrir, abastecer, satisfazer, manter
fight, fought, fought
take part in a struggle / argue
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lutar, disputar, batalhar, combater, guerrear
find, found, found
discover something
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achar, encontrar, descobrir,
fly, flew, flown
move through the air
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voar, viajar (via aérea), fazer voar, pilotar
forbid, forbade, forbidden
refuse to allow
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proibir, impedir, evitar, vetar
forget, forgot, forgotten
cease remembering
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forgive, forgave, forgiven
stop feeling angry toward someone
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perdoar, desculpar, absolver, abrir mão
freeze, froze, frozen
turn into ice
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congelar, refrigerar, gelar
get, got, got
come to have / obtain / receive
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receber, conseguir, obter, adquirir, pegar (doença), entender, chegar, causar, induzir, decorar, procriar, buscar
give, gave, given
transfer something to someone
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dar, entregar, conceder, render-se
go, went, gone
move from one place to another
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ir, viajar, chegar, partir, caminhar, marchar, mover-se
grow, grew, grown
progress to maturity or in size
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crescer, vegetar, cultivar, brotar, desenvolver-se, progredir, tornar-se
hang, hung, hung
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enforcar-se, ser enforcado, travar (informática), parar de funcionar
have, had, had
possess, own or hold
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ter, possuir, receber, pegar, necessitar, causar
hear, heard, heard
perceive sound
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escutar, ouvir
hide, hid, hidden
put or keep out of sight
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esconter-se, esconder, ocultar
hit, hit, hit
come into contact forcefully
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bater, ferir, atingir, alcançar
hold, held, held
keep with one's arms or hands
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segurar, guardar
hurt, hurt, hurt
cause physical pain
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ferir, doer, magoar, estragar, danificar
keep, kept, kept
have or retain possession of
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guardar, ficar, cumprir,
know, knew, known
perceive directly
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saber, conhecer, entender, ter conhecimento
lay, laid, laid
put in position
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deitar, descansar, estar deitado, repousar, estar situado
lead, led, led
show the way by going ahead
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conduzir, guiar, comandar, pilotar, levar, governar
leap, leapt, leapt
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saltar, pular
lean, leant, leant
to move or bend your body in a particular position; to be supported in a sloping position by a wall or surface, or to put something in this position lean (something) on/against something
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inclinar, recurvar
learn, learnt, learnt
to get knowledge of a subject or skill by studying, doing it, or being taught
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estudar, aprender, descobrir, informar-se, decorar
leave, left, left
go out of or far away from
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deixar, largar, abandonar, renunciar a
lend, lent, lent
allow the use of something temporarily
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emprestar, conceder, proporcionar, outorgar
let, let, let
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deixar, permitir, alugar, conceder, descobrir
lie, lay, lain
assume a horizontal position
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mentir, enganar
light, lit, lit
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clarear, acender, queimar
lose, lost, lost
cease to have or retain something
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perder, desperdiçar, arruinar, gastar
make, made, made
create / construct
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fazer, criar, causar, tornar
mean, meant, meant
intend to convey / signify
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significar, querer dizer, pretender
meet, met, met
come into the presence of someone
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encontrar, reunir-se
mistake, mistook, mistaken
something that is wrong or has been done in the wrong way error something you do that is not sensible or has a bad result
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errar, cometer um erro, interpretar mal algo
pay, paid, paid
give money due for goods or services
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pagar, saldar, satisfazer
put, put, put
place in a specified location
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colocar, pôr, enfiar, situar
read, read, read
grasp the meaning of written characters
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ler, aprender, estudar, interpretar
ride, rode, ridden
travel and control a vehicle or horse
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cavalgar, montar, passear
ring, rang, rung
surround / make a bell sound
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tocar (sino, campainha), telefonar
rise, rose, risen
go up / increase
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levantar, subir, elevar-se, erguer-se
run, ran, run
move fast on foot
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correr, fugir, executar, executar um programa (informática)
say, said, said
express in words
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dizer, contar, recitar, alegar
see, saw, seen
perceive with the eyes
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ver, entender, verificar, observar
sell, sold, sold
give in exchange for money
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vender, comerciar, negociar, liquidar
send, sent, sent
cause to be taken to a destination
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mandar, enviar, emitir
set, set, set
put in a specified position or state
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pôr, colocar, arrumar, ajustar
shake, shooke, shaken
move with jerky movements; jerky movements are rough, with many starts and stops
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sacudir, agitar, tremer
shine, shone, shone
emit light
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brilhar, luzir, cintilar resplandecer
shoot, shot, shot
fire a bullet from a weapon
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atirar, disparar, arremessar
show, showed, shown
cause or allow to be seen
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mostrar, descobrir, provar, mostrar-se
shrink, shrank, shrunk
become smaller
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contrair, encolher, recuar
shut, shut, shut
move something to block passage
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fechar, cerrar, tapar
sing, sang, sung
make musical sounds with the voice
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sink, sank, sunk
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afundar, afogar, mergulhar
sit, sat, sat
rest one's weight on the buttocks
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sleep, slept, slept
rest one's body and mind
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dormir, descansar, deitar (com alguém)
slide, slid, slid
move smoothly over a surface
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deslizar, escorregar, chupar
smell, smelt, smelt
to notice or recognize a smell; to put your nose near something in order to discover what kind of smell it has
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cheirar, feder, farejar, sentir cheiro
speak, spoke, spoken
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falar, dizer, contar
spell, spelt, spelt
to form a word by writing or saying the letters in the correct order
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soletrar, escrever de forma certa
spend, spent, spent
pay out money
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gastar, tirar, passar (tempo)
spill, spilt, spilt
allow a liquid to fall out of its container
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entornar, derramar, deixar cair
split, split, split
divide into parts
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abrir, quebrar, partir, fender, rachar
spread, spread, spread
open wider / extend
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espalhar, esparramar, difundir, propagar
stand, stood, stood
maintain an upright position
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pôr de pé, aguentar, permanecer
steal, stole, stolen
take without permission or right
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roubar, furtar
stick, stuck, stuck
pierce, puncture
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cravar, fincar, enterrar, afixar
sting, stung, stung
prick painfully
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picar, ferroar, doer
swim, swam, swum
move through water
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nadar, flutuar, boiar
take, took, taken
grasp with the hands / consume
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pegar, tirar, agarrar, capturar, aprisionar
teach, taught, taught
show or explain how to do something
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ensinar, educar
tear, tore, torn
pull apart by force; if you tear paper, cloth etc, or if it tears, you make a hole in it or it breaks into small pieces
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tell, told, told
communicate by speech or writing
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contar, saber, ordenar
think, thought, thought
formulate in the mind
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pensar, acreditar
throw, threw, thrown
propel through the air
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jogar, lançar, atirar, arremessar
understand, understood, understood
to know the meaning of what someone is telling you, or the language that they speak OPP misunderstand
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entender, compreender
wake, woke, waked
emerge from a state of sleep
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acordar, despertar, acordar-se
wear, wore, worn
carry or have on one's body
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vestir, experimentar (roupas, joias)
win, won, won
be successful or victorious
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vencer, ganhar, convencer
write, wrote, written
form letters on a surface
commencer à apprendre
escrever, compor

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