Expresso lesson 30

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The Guionista said, let’s (hyphenate) on this phrase here........ to hyphenate.
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Poner un guión, unir con un guión... to hyphenate....... In English, we hyphenate some compounds but not others.
Rose asked, Hey Kaz didn’t you have any SETBACK along the way?.
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Setback. Contratiempo, obstaculo, adversidad...... Hey Kaz, did you have any major setbacks along the way?.
That”s just a cop-out said mom.
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cop-out. pretexto, excusa, evasión... cop-out... Not to have a startup is a cop- out.
Going out of twon to work you should get any payoff........ payoff.
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beneficio, premio, recompensa... payoff... you keep going, the payoff is incredible.
Nacho "pissed a fortune away" on gambling and drinking....... Piss away.
Malgastar, derrochar.
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Malgastar, derrochar. to foolishly waste (something, such as money, talent, opportunities, etc.)
Nacho pissed a fortune away on gambling and drinking.

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